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Enabling stories?

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After yarn shopping last night, I wondered how many of us have enabled another knitter or crocheter to buy more stash?


My story actually starts with my sister enabling me. Our first hobby was cross-stitch. We'd go to the LNS's (local needlework shop) and end up buying something each time we were in there. My addiction grew solely because she kept taking me there. My cross-stitching is getting less frequent as my taste in patterns call for smaller and smaller holes while my vision isn't getting any better to accomodate and the magnifiers give me "fishbowl vision" which is difficult to focus with. So I go back to an old hobby I gave up about 20 years ago, which is crocheting and knitting. I was on the hunt for yarn last night, figuring I'd run in for a quick skein or two at Wal-Mart. My sister ends up buying two skeins (I didn't buy any) and pulls out the good old crochet hook and knitting needles. Her yarn addiction has been awakened. Payback. :lol

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I've gotten my stepsister hooked. Pun intended. I taught her to crochet over her winter break. Now I take her to walmart and ac moore with me. She also raids my stash when she comes over. My mother yells that I've created a monster.

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Yeah... my family enables me. Big time. Hubby doesn't care what I spend on yarn, as long as I don't bankrupt us with it. And my SIL brings me the most yummy yarn in the world (check out my blog if you're curious - link's in the siggy).


I enabled my neighbor and friend last year. She saw me crocheting all the time and it inspired her to pick up knitting again. (She said she just couldn't "get" the crochet thing, but she'd learned to knit years ago.) She went so far as to ask ME to get the knitting needles and yarn for her! :lol (I was going to the store to buy yarn anyway, so it's not like I had to make an extra trip JUST for her, ya know?) Her youngest has expressed an interest in crochet, though. If she sees me working on a project, she'll just sit and stare, totally enthralled. I think I know what I'm getting her for her birthday this year! :hook

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I'm guilty...I got Mom k***ting again (after 30 or so years) to help make prayer shawls, baby things and lapghans for charity. So sometimes I kind of ask her if 'she' needs more yarn, which of course is a good excuse to add to my stash of yarn too.

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I'm totally an enabler!!! I've gotten my mom started with crochet and am trying to teach her knitting as well, but we live several hours from each other and by the time she gets home she's forgotten what I showed her LOL!! I also taught my best friend who is now completed addicted (but I think that's only fair as her hubby gets my hubby into all sorts of games so it's just payback on him LOL)...and I give my MIL, best friend, and mom gift cards for every holiday I can, just so that they have the excuse of needed to spend the gift card to get into the stores....


As for folks enabling me, DH and I set aside fun money for each of us each paycheck, so I can spend that on whatever I want...he just assumes it's for more yarn...and all my family & friends know that an AC Moore card is always a good gift for me...so for the holidays & my bday, I know I get to go shopping...usually for Mother's Day too....but I come from a family of crafters and my MIL is a crafter, so they get the addiction!!



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Yup I am an enabler My little sister who lives with my mom has now told me her spare room is chock full of wool and I am sending more. My mom never says no to wool.

I had wound some thin wool into four stranded balls with my wool winder. My mom made my lil sis help her seperate the wool into its origional thickness. My lil sis said she would have to kill me if i ever send anything like it again.

I have introduced two friends to crochet and knitting. I find it easier to decide what to get if someone else is buying. I took them round the wool area of my local shop. and explained what each ball was and what it was like to work with. even the shop assistant was bemused at my knowledge. my friends left with full baskets and hooks, without realising what was happening lol.

I have a friend who try to intervene too. she tries to drag me away from the wool in the charity shops. but they sell it so cheap I cant help it. everyone will be looking as my mate is saying "step away from the wool you have enough". I will protest "I am only looking" then will put it on the counter and pay while she is looking at books. She once even stood in front of the wool arms out stretched saying "NO more wool" She had the nerve to say i had an illness. I go to the shops without her now.

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