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The silly lady at HL today...

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So here I am, wondering the isles of yarn at Hobby Lobby before work, how handy is that, its only 6 blocks from my job :hook , so, the lady working in the yarn isle says to me, "oh my goodness, this one skien of yarn here, it cant keep its label on! This must be the third tme today I put it back on", sooooooooooo, I say to her, oh, it is trying to get over in the next isle where the hooks are, it wants to be something!! I MUST RESCUE IT!! And I did!! The Lady was like, humppppppppp I never thought of it like that before :lol

Well, it was a skien of Caron SS in purple, soooooooo I made up a couple preemie hats tonight at work with it, oh and now the skien of yarn is sooooo happy!! See, all it wanted was to grow up and be something:yay

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OH you are so kind rescuing that yarn. I have rescued too much yarn at the moment. I must have about 10 kilos at least. honest even the postman is finding it funny when i have it delivered.

Thing is i have loads of wool but am short on green coloured wool. I have loads of white and any other colour but there seems to be a shortage of nice green wool in my town and I havent rescued any.

I like the way you stunned the woman they just dont get it do they?. you can be browsing the aisles for hours they ask you about 5 times if you need -help. they dont appreaciate the joy of buying wool. (the grin on ones face) and the dash out of the shop with a spring in your step. the getting home and putting it safely in the spare room with the other wool. Man if I worked in a wool shop I wouldnt let anyone buy anything. I would be like "what are you going to make with it?" "are you going to look after it?" And any leaping wool would find its way into a nice home with me lol.

you can crochet at work? wow I am jealous I can only crochet in the evenings at work if i am minding the kids i look after over night. What work do you do that lets you crochet. I want that job lol xxx

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Hi SecretStasher, I work in an assistend living home, I work in WeLand Gardens, a SMALL alzhiemers unit of seven residents, I work second shift, THUS when all are in bed, I can PLAY...:lol My boss lady knows I crochet at work, and they don't care, as long as I get my work done, and truth be told, the alzhiemers ladies LOVE to see what I am making, they pet my stuff, adore it, even ask me to teach them, And I have tried unfortunatly it doesn't take, too bad too, some of them used to knit, but they lost that with the progresion of the disease. Here is the link to our website I work at if anyone is interested in looking, www.sunsetparkplace.com it is a VERY nice place to work, I am VERY fortunate to have such a great job!!

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What a beautiful place you work at and it is nice that you can crochet on the job.

I :bow to you with your job. I know what my cousin when through with my Aunt when she had alzhiemers.

You deserve the biggest hugs:hug and kudos for the work you do.

I can just picture the women petting the stuff. Not much different from us.

Love the story of the yarn losing its sleeve and great you made hats. If when I worked I was only 6 blocks away from a yarn store, I would never of had a pay check.:lol

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That is why I don't work in a Hobby Lobby or Michaels! (I would spend my whole check there.) :P Too bad you didn't get a discount on it because of a faulty wrapper. :wink




I wonder if I would get in trouble for crocheting at work... :think There are times when there is nothing to do and we sit (for an hour and a half, last night!) I could have finished a hat or two in that time. People sit around and talk on their cell phones, and goof around... Hmmm... Maybe I should ask! (That would be cool!)



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I used to work nights as a carer and took my work in with me and only crochet officially to my boss on my break. lol. but when they were in bed i crocheted. I will always remember a little old lady helped me frog this blanket i had been working on but wanted to make something else. And an elderly man tought me how to do granny squares.

I learned to crochet on nights another carer was driven mad because i couldnt get it. she even said she had wished she had never started teaching me.:-0 but i got it in the end.

I dont miss the night shifts but i miss being able to crochet at work lol. you are doing a great job good on you. thanks for letting me know Love sian xxxx

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