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:eek I do not know what I got myself into and I need help. My children are in their respective school bands. The city does a city wide concert in April so all bands elementary, Middle and High school levels are involved. The bands were looking for a great fundraiser idea for the concert ie raffle, bake sale etc. I opened my big mouth and said would'nt it be nice if someone donated a handmade afghan with a music theme to be raffled off at the concert. Well the Elementary and Middle school band instructors jumped on it and my lovely children threw me under that bus and "volunteered" me to design and make this blanket. I am desperate for any ideas the only one I have is making squares with different musical instruments on them in shadow kind of like filet but done in solid crochet with the "shadow" in a contrasting color. Problem 2 I have no artistic ability when it comes to drawing anything but a straight line. I have musical notes worked out but does anyone have any idea how to "chart" the rest of the instruments, drum, saxaphone, flute, trombone, clarinet. I need to have this started very soon so it can be ready for the concert in 10weeks:think :eek am I insane for even attempting this?


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I don't remember exactly where it is (hopefully somebody out there WILL and will jump in here), but there's a website out there that will take a picture and graph it for you so that you can do it in graph-ghan fashion. I'm sure that would work if you want to do it in squares or something like that.


Take a breath... or 2... or 5... ;)


With 10 weeks to do it, I'm sure you can get it done. No, I don't think you're insane for trying to do this. It CAN be done. You just need to stay calm.


And don't forget to enjoy yourself while you're making the 'ghan. Yes, you might have a deadline, but crochet is something you do because you ENJOY it. Just remember that.


Good luck and :hug

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Also, remember that not EVERY square has to be music related.


How about doing one instrument, a filler square, musical notes, a filler square, musical notes, different instrument, and repeating that pattern as needed?


That way, you make alot of musical note and filler squares, and don't have to spend lots of time doing difficult instruments.


Also, how about doing it all in black and white, so say, the filler squares alternate black and white, and the notes are white squares with black notes and the instrument squares are black squares with white notes.


Oh, and get the kids to make the filler squares. No time like the present to learn to crochet and learn to ASK before volunteering you for something.

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Another idea for the non-instrument squares is to do squares in their uniform colours - this would tie it in with the bands a bit more as well as providing contrast. Then, you can assign the appropriate squares [along with some number of plain filler squares!] to the kids from the respective groups, and they'll know which squares are theirs.

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Check x-stitch sites and some of the graph-ghan and filet sites for already made patterns for music related stuff. I know there's a site with mini graphs somewhere on the net - cinnamon's? any body know the addy? I hate it when I don't bookmark stuff ....

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This site has clip art...click on the pic and when it goes to the enlarged pic...you are able to right click and click it to "Save picture as"




Then you can take them to...



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Thank you all for the help. I found a cros stich pattern for the treble clef and i created a few notes adn the plan is to make it in rows of squares to llo like sheet music. I will post as i go and if it works out it would be my first original pattern.

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