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great finds!

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in the last week or two i have come across a few great finds (lets say). i check out the thrift stores for yarn and books/mags etc. just curious if anyone else has had some great finds recently or not so recently.


1. i went to brookings this week and searched thru a box of magazines and found about a dozen crochet fatnasy mags and a couple of old ladies home journal and other mags and when i got to the counter the lady said "how about a quarter? im just glad someone will use them." i said "sure!" being quite surprised and grabbed all the change out of my pocket and gave it to her, mainly cause it was a thrift store for the humane society. so i was a happy camper that day.

2. there was an ad for 75% off for one of our local thrift stores and i went in and cleaned out her crochet thread supply got about 40+ balls and some yarn in all colors for 5 dollars, this was another time i was quite tickled!

3. and yesterday i joined a local group and two ladies brought in yarn to drop off for us to use, the other ladies said they didnt want it(without even looking to see what was in there) so i got the yarn and went home with 4 big garbage bags full. thre were a lot of specialty yarns in those bags i was quite surprised yet again. they even had incredible(brand) ribbon yarn in there and yarn from great britian with alpaca!

just not sure what viscose is?


4. went to a estate sale that said right in the ad there was yarn there. well when i got there, the yarn wasnt much. but i looked in a couple of bags that had odds and ends for crocheting and low and behold when i got home i pulled out some of the most beautiful handmade doiles and edgings with the tiniest of crochet thread! not sure how anyone can give up there families heirlooms like that, but then again they probably arent doily fans either. was a good thing for me!


so i figure someone is making sure i dont run out of things to do here in the forest during winter time, yesterday was our first day of snow and it was so beautiful i couldnt stop watching. see im from the bay area. i think we have snow about once every twenty years and it doesnt stick but for a couple hours. would love to hear about your crochet finds! dani

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I should give this a try. Our main st bridge is out and i am so lazy to walk that extra block to get to our St Vincent store. I gotta get out there and start looking.


When people give me yarn, it seems it is because it is so vile they wouldn't use it themselves.

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