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increasing in the round



Okies this is the pattern I'm trying to use:


This is my thrid crochet project. I can do rounds and spirals. But somewhere something is going wrong. I get up to round 5 and then I can't figure out what to do.

I'm not good at math at all and my hubby tried to help but he can't figure it out either.

CAn someone jsut tell me what to do on this round and the round after that? I think I can figure it out after that. :)

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3 answers to this question

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It's hard to tell what your difficulty is just from looking at the pattern, but maybe the problem is putting 2sc in the first sc of the last round every time?


It works better (from row 3 on) to put one sc for however many stitches before the increase. So on row 2, you double each sc; then row 3 do 1sc followed by a double; row 4 do 2scs followed by a double; row 5 do 3scs followed by a double, etc. I don't know if it will fix your problem, but it will make it look better.

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Fancy fingers is right about the way to increase uniformly

In each increase row, you crochet one more stitch before you do the increase.

row one - create the base

row two - increase every stitch (0 stitches between increases)

row three - do one stitch, increase in next (1 st between increases)

row four - do two stitches, increase in next (2 sts between increases)

row five - do three stitches, increase in next (3 st between increases)


This is a universal increase pattern.

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