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Why I Now Prefer Crochet Over Knitting


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I learnt how to knit before learning how to crochet. Knitting is fun...but like almost everyone has mentioned here, it is pretty slow, and it's easy to miss stitches. In addition, you need a variety of knitting needles to "feed" a knitting hobby and circular knitting needles are more expensive than crochet hooks - it costs at least twice/thrice as much. And did I mention that you need more complicated needles to knit things in the round? It's either 4 DPNs (double-pointed needles), 2 sets of circular needles of similar length and equal thickness (if you're knitting a small item in the round and do not have a circular needle which is short enough) or 1 set of short-cable circular needle. For crochet however, 1 hook does it all. No problems crocheting in the circle or in the round. ;)


Crocheting is definitely much faster, but the only down side is that it uses more yarn than knitting and crocheted items tend to be stiffer than knitted items. So my mantra is - knit wearables (for stretchiness and softer feel) and crochet everything else. :hook

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I consider myself a crocheter who happens to know how to knit. I use it for certain things - certain types of scarves (these fun fur scarves I'm making, I'm knitting, but I'm going to crochet some hats to go with them), certain baby/toddler blankets (no holes for little fingers to poke through)... things like that. But I always have and always will consider myself a crocheter first.


I agree with the others (yes, I read through the ENTIRE thread before posting!!) that knitting is slower. Not only that, but crochet just feels more versatile to me. I know in my head that you can knit "lace" items and whatnot, but with crochet you can actually FEEL the versatility of what you're doing.

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I can't knit period. I tried and the finished project looked like a mountain road instead of a pillow. So I stick to crochet. My sister on the other hand can't seem to crochet any better than I can knit, hhmm finally something she ca't do. But our Mom does both although I think she prefers crochet. But in general in the whole family I seem to be the only one who "yarns" for anything special I think they have all decided to leave the "headaches" as the call WIP to me.


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I knit and crochet, having learned to knit first. After a long season of only doing crochet and advancing that skill, I've gone back to knitting and learning more techiniques. There's positive and negative with both. Knitting is slower and requires more tools, but less yarn. Crocheting zooms right along, but a project costs more in materials. So, 6 of one, half dozen of the other. I can get more detail from knitting with cables and such, but a larger variety of items with crochet. So what should I call myself? A hooker who knits! :hook

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