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Anyone out there with their own web site?

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Anyone out there with their own web site willing to share the hazards as well as the benifits of running their own site?


One of my resolutions this year is to stop thinking about getting my own site and to actually do it.


It'll be an up-hill fight for me. My hubby is against it due to my lack of computer knowledge--he's afraid he'll get stuck with it--but after coming across the umpthteenth crochet pattern web site with a lot less than what I have in my EBay store, I'm determined!


Come on, it can't be as much of a pain as EBay--can it?


Help! Please!

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You could start with a program like Dreamweaver which will make creating your site much easier. I do the site for my business and once you get the hang of it is pretty easy. I would check out godaddy.com for hosting, I think they have the best price and are reputable. Good luck.:)

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In my very humble opinion, people (potential customers) are more impressed by your own domain name (no free sites). It is, to me, more professional.


Also, study search engine optimization...tips to make you rank better in Google so more people can see you.


It helps. Granted, I have thousands of visitors a day to thank for making CPC popular, but in the beginning I had someone coding it who knew what to do to make Google like it. You can mosy over to Google if you like, type in crochet, and hit enter. :D


Those are just a few tips... I know personally I wouldn't have been able to do much of anything without help, as I don't know much about HTML/PHP/coding in general. So I know where you're coming from! :hug

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I have my own site but not with a shopping cart (and badly in need of updating I'm afraid). Godaddy is great to get domain names through and we actually offer hosting very reasonably as well as design if it's needed.


Your own website is a great face for your business or craft. Done well and with a classy clean look it's a wonderful way to highlight your crochet :)

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My husband and I own our domain. we use it for our hobbies. I still hadn't done anything with my part yet,,the web editor is on my computer,,,and it is sick. Hubby is teaching me to get tho the control panel from this computer, and soon , I will be setting up a blog there.

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