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looky my new hook case!


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I just had to share! :hook


The picture really does not do it justice! It is a beatiful green silk that I just love. It has small pockets for most hooks then 3 large pockets for the big hooks which I really like. It also has a zipper pocket in the middle.

I got it at my local yarn shop at her winter sale so it's my christmas present to myself ;)

There's a zipper pouch that matches that I'm sure I'll break down and buy too for all those other little accessories that end up floating around my bag.

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It looks really lovely! How many hooks can it fit? I think I'd need two or three judging by the picture.


There are 12 hook pockets but 3 of them are for large hooks so you could easily put 2 or maybe 3 hooks in these spaces. If you had small steel hooks you could easily put 2 of these in one the smaller spaces too.

And you could put a few in the zipper case if needed.

I was playing with it tonight and have 14 hooks in it now. I have more hooks than that but I left the rarely used plastic ones in my yarn tote.


And I agree that it beats a glasses case -or in my case a pencil case- any day ;)

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It is really pretty and it must feel like a "royal" present to yourself being soft and silky. Good for you to give yourself such a great treat! Oh, and of course it is useful besides just being beautiful!

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