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Spiffy Fish Collar for my Cat!!


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I wanted to dress my cat up a little, so I quickly made this for him. It's not very practical, but I got some great pictures out of it! ^^ Now I want to give him a nice pink bow collar that shows on the back of his neck. I think he'll look adorable in it. And I just wanted to say to Penny (that's my cat!) - thanks for putting up with my torture!



Just the fish wrapped around him and his collar before I made his white one.



It's a bit big on this dog :P



Pretty cute on Kero



Best on Penny


There's more cute pics of Penny modeling his spiffy fish collar at http://community.livejournal.com/crochetgrlhotel/2383.html

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Thanks everyone for your comments. I'll be sure to pass your compliments along to Penny :hug (I like this smiley!)



So cute! The white would look great on my two black kitties! By the way, is the cat toy knit?


I actually bought Kero at a comicbook shop 5 years ago. The stitches do look knit, but I rather think it's machine-made. But who knows, because I actually don't knit (not yet anyways!). He's really cute. His head can rotate and the wings on his back have wire in them which makes them adjustable. Hmmm this gives me an idea, maybe I should try translating him into crochet.

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