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Some scarves and a hat set

LI Roe

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Well, finally have a pic to post. My brother lent me his digital camera and I am slowly learning how to take pics and post. Did get one of my own but need quiet time to learn that and the photo printer. Anyway, these will be going to charity in the fall.


I hope this comes out with the required size. Tried to follow the instructions on the size of the pics. So here goes.





LI Roe


It looks small to me, I used the instructions on Crochetville for photobucket but when I clicked on the pic itself, it opened up into a bigger window. Did I do that right??


First time for this. I am not the most computer literate person around.

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Hi and thanks everyone. The green one has spiral fringe, I think that took me longer to do than the scarf itself. LOL.


And the one on the left is Dazzelaire, in mauve and cocoa and offwhite and a very light rose color. It was in a donation of yarn that was given to my volunteer group over nine years ago so you can guess how old it is. I only had a couple of skeins of it.


Take care.


LI Roe

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