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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Hello all. Since I am iced in today I have gotten some more done on my AW. I also finished the scarf so only the AW and a doily left for christmas gifts. I have 31 squares left on it. I will try and get some more joined then I'll take another picture. I feel like there might me some hope of finishing it in time after all. :) Have been busy today putting up the christmas tree and decorations in our new house. Kind of fun this year. :)

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Hello everyone, I went early to bed last night had the worst headache.

I havent done any of my AW since friday, been too busy trying to do some of the other projects. That will teach me to have so many things on the go.


Goofy - I will send some hot weather your way to melt the ice for you. Its still hot here. We are in for a hot summer. I will trade you if you like. Im glad your getting heaps done on your AW, I cant wait to see pics.


Andrea - hello I agree with you I cant just sit and watch TV either. I guess your arm is going to take a while to get better. Try to have lots of breaks in between doing crochet and xstitch to give your arm a rest. Have you got any cream for it or can you take tablets to help with the pain.


Tabby - Im sorry to hear that your kids are sick. I hope they get well soon. I hope all goes well at the doctors. How many kids do you have? I have just the two girls aged 12 and 9 and they can be a handful sometimes so I couldnt imagine having more. They are so looking forward to xmas.


Julie - How are you going with the granny, will you get it finished in time.


****PS granny going around the world has hit a 9 patch****

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Julie~Thanks! My 7 yr. old is acting normal, let's put it that way. LOL. The doctor said he can go back to school tomorrow, thankfully. My poor little Jaden is laying on the couch watching Spongbob. He not only has the cold crappolla but he also has an ear infection that just started. So they are both on antibiotics for 2 weeks. Sounds like you know what i'm dealing with all to well. :yes I'm glad to hear you picked up the PS & I can't wait to see a pic. I've been working on my Jolly Roger in between caring for my little man. Thanks for stopping by my blog & for the nice compliments. :blush

Wendy~I have 4 boys. Twins that are 11, then the two little ones are 7 and 4. The one you'll hear me talk about alot is Jaden, my 4 yr. old. I spend the whole day with him so he's in most of my stories, lol. :D

Goofy~Glad to hear your making progress on your ghan but i'm sorry your iced in. That does stink. Good luck on the joining, can't wait to see a pic.

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Wendy-yes please send some warm weather here. I will gladly trade with you. The ice and snow does not help with an ongoing job hunt! My mom is planning to come over wed. and watch my son so I can go to an interview...its really good that I have a friend in town that can watch him otherwise.


I will try and get a pic tomarrow...that darn mystary christmas CAL...

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Goofy- It sounds like you will definitely finish your projects in time for Christmas, then what ? You'll have to line up some new ideas for when these are done .

I hate it when you have ice on the roads-- it's the only thing I'm scared to drive in .


Wendy- sorry to hear of your headaches. I have gotten them my whole life, so I know what it's like. Not fun .

And yep, I'm trying to juggle 3 afghans at once, so it's hard to tell how they'll turn out ! The big granny will be done in time - it is almost all I work on now til I take a small break to do something else. They can get pretty boring after awhile, the same old same old around and around and around ..............And I agree with the rest of you - I'd go batty if I had to just sit and watch tv and had nothing to keep my hands busy.I USED to be able to read and watch tv at the same time, but the old brain aint what it used to be . I can still do it, but not as well .


Tabby- I hope your poor little Jaden gets better soon, that is rough when they are so sick. It makes you feel bad watching them feeling so bad. Hopefully his medecine will kick in soon and he'll start perking up .

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After christmas I'm already planning on finishing up some of my other projects and then thinking about making the wedding ring quilt-ghan. This is way to addicting!! It defenitly helps to have all the support here.

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Yea, Goofy,

It is nice to have people here working on the same things to compare notes with, etc.

I think a couple ladies mentioned a ways back that they wanted to try the wedding ring afghan after Christmas, so you may have some others working along with you on it.


I think I'll pass on that one. It is beautiful, but something tells me I'd never have the patience for it, so I'll just come in and watch you guys working on them !

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Tabby - hows your boys going are they feeling a bit better today.


Goofy - Im trying to finish some projects as well and your right it is good to talk to people that are doing the same things. I have never done so much crochet until I came to this site. I see that you are doing the mystery cal. I have joined that too. Its my first time doing colors and its quite fun.


Julie - hey there. Whats happening today, are you getting much crocheting done.


Working all day makes it hard to get much done. I do a bit of crocheting in my lunch hour and then soon as I have had tea at night I try and do more. It sure makes the time go fast. Why cant the time go fast at work.


I got home tonight and got my left thumb caught in the car door. Hmm the language that came out of my mouth. Geeze it hurt. At least I can still crochet. Im a lefty but I crochet right handed so that wasnt a problem. Its going to hurt for quite awhile. I have a nice old bruise under the nail and through to the other side.


Well Im going to bed have a great day everyone.

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Wendy~Ouch! Sorry about your finger, but i'm glad you can still crochet. That is what's most important, right? :D My boys are doing a bit better. My 7 yr. old went to school & my 4 yr. old is going to a car seat seminar thingy with my this a.m. They still are coughing but no fevers & the Doc. said to still let them go out.

Julie~Good Morning Sunshine! How's everything in Hicksville? :)

I managed to get some diamonds put on my PS last night. :yay I just have some buff & lt. sage to put on the top & then i'm off to the bottom. So close, yet so far. :eek I've also made some good progress on my Jolly Roger Sweater. A couple more rows & the backs done. :cheer Well, i'll talk to ya'll when I return. :D

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Hey Wendy

What type work do you do ? Is it a place you'd be allowed to bring crochet stuff in to work on ? I know some of the people here are able to do that, depending on their job .

Sorry to hear about your thumb-- I know I'm all the time bashing my hands up by scraping them on something, slamming them into something and who knows what . I always try to be careful not to do that stuff because it makes it hard to crochet when you have a bum hand .

I finished up the granny and am now back to my ps, putting the points on the star .

I also have the corners made for the 9-patch, and a couple other squares made for it, but it's got a LONG ways to go .


Tabby- Hicksville is just about as Hicksy as usual. They DO have their decorations up downtown, which is a real miracle. They even all 4 light up this year at the same time, so things are improving in the big city .:lol

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Julie - i work in accounts payable. We are allowed to go on the internet at lunch time and eat our lunch at our desks which is great. So I can catch up on the goss at crochetville at lunch time but then I also can do a bit of crochet as well. Im glad to hear you got the granny done, that must be a relief, now you can concentrate on the millions of other projects you have..hehe Hicksville is that the name of your town or do you just call it that because its in the middle of nowhere.


Tabby - Im glad to hear your boys are a bit better. How was the seminar?


Darski - I really liked that pattern you put on here and am deciding whether to make one for my grandma for her birthday, which is not till May so I would have plenty of time to do it. The diamonds are really easy to do.


Another project am I crazy. Im beginning to take after Julie.


Well gotta go get ready for work, make the lunches and have breakfast. Have a great afternoon everyone

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Wendy~The seminar thingy was okay, informative. I received a new car seat for my 4 yr. old & a new booster seat for my 7 yr. old just for going and listening about carseat safety & proper carseat usage so it all worked out. :cheer

Aren't we horrible? We all have 5 things going at once & can't stop thinking about whats next, lol.

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Julie - Yes Im considering adding the texas star to my project. But it wouldnt have to be finished till may so I have plenty of time. I think our problem is we can see all new projects coming along and we want to do them but we havent finished our other ones so we just add to the list.


Tabby - hey that was a bargain wasnt it getting the seats for free. You gotta be happy with that.

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:manyheart Good morning everyone! Today is a :rain and I plan on sitting inside working on my secret project. Maybe I will be able to get it done today. I havent had much of a chance to work on any crochet related things this last weekend. And yesterday was not a good day for anything. If you are curious about what happened have a look at my *blog*.


How is everyone coming on their quiltghans? No one has posted any pictures yet. I have decided on the PS that I will be starting work on shortly to do the varg with the orginial one the pattern calls for. I was looking at mine and with the blues it just looks better. Makes the center star really pop out! I know most of you are doing fifteen projects at once and I could probably start on this but I just cant bring myself to start something new until I finish what I am working on. Even after all this time of hanging around here I still cant do it. :blush So be patient with me and I will catch up in no time flat! :hook


Well I am going to go catch up on some reading and then head to the living room for some crocheting time.


:manyheart Everyone have a great day! And hopefully I will be able to report that I got my secret project done tomorrow and maybe possible we will even get the :flake that the weatherman is calling for! :hug

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Julie~It should be the Queen of Everything! My throne is pretty cushy this morning. Thanks for asking. :P

Brandy~Sorry about the lady. :hug You have a huge heart & have no reason to feel guilty. :manyheart I hope you get some much needed stress relieving crochet done today. I'm still sluggin along on my PS. I have a couple more diamonds of buff & lt. sage before I get to go to the other side so i'm almost there. :yay I'm sure yours will still be done before mine, lol. I've been chuggin along on Jadens granny ghan so I can scratch one more off of my list. I'm almost done, 2 more skeins and then it's full force on my PS. You are one strong lady to fight the evil forces of the dark side & it's evil leader (who will remain nameless) Julie. :lol Luke I am your Father. :rofl Okay, i'm done or am I? LOL. Glad to hear your sticking with one project, I envy you. :yes

Can ya tell i'm bored?? HeeHee! :devil Okay, i'm going back to crocheting. Your all safer that way, lol. :hook

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Howdy Brandy

Let me start by saying I went and read your blog about what happened. You did nothing wrong .

Sometimes elderly people get difficult to deal with ,and many , after having a stroke, their personalities change , and not always for the better .

It takes an awful lot of patience to deal with them at times when they get like that. I do not blame you one bit, especially after she wanted to be FIRST in your life and everyone else comes second .

She isn't your mom. She isn't your grandma, she's no relative at all, just an employer .

I think you acted as professionally as possible in the situation ,and she sounds like an extremely demanding and also irritating person .

You will be much happier if she is able to find someone else to tote her around and treat her like Queen Elizabeth . I have a feeling that she could run through employees like we all run through yarn .


They say everything that happens ,happens for a reason. Here's hoping that since that window is closing, that a new door will open for you.


There is no one more deserving of that than you, and don't you forget it .


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Brandy - wow I cant believe how she has treated you after all you have done for her. You havent done anything wrong and dont feel guilty about it.

Im afraid old people do get like that where they only think of themselves and

dont think about others and their needs and considerations. Please cheer up and know that you tried to make her life better and help her but she just couldnt see that.:hug So I want you to just relax and concentrate on your secret project so you can get it finished and start on the ps and the 9 patch..:)

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:manyheart Thank you ladies. You really made me feel pretty good! :ghug You gals are some of the best around. I go Saturday to take my recertification test and hopefully I will pass. And I have to call this homecare place back next week. So keep your fingers crossed for me!


:blush Well maybe now I will get off here and get some crocheting done. I havent gotten anything done so far today.:blush I promise tonite I will crochet though. I need to get my secret project. I just about there!!


:manyheart Have a great nite all!!:hug

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