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hi everyone!


i'm intrested in spinning, but none of the equipments are available in my country except for fleece! in which website can i find a good drop spindle that i can use? are there any kits availabe? which books should i get to learn? i have never done it before and im not sure i know where to start!:think

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There are a few sellers on eBay who will sell kits that come with the spindle, some starter roving, and a how-to book. I'm not sure if they'll ship overseas, but my first recommendation would be to definitely browse over there and see what's available.

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There are a lot of sites that have spindles have you tried googling" drop spindles" ?If you have problems after looking around a bit you are welcome to pm me and i will see if i can help from here. Do look around first though, another good one is Ashford in New Zealand, i am sure they would ship anywhere. Goodluck ok

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thank u for replying back to me


shipping cost alot and i cant afford it hounestly! but i really want to have a drop spindle and spin!


the reason i posted this thread is because i dont know where i can find the 'good quality' drop spindles for 'reasnable' prices. i dont want to recieve something and be disapointed! i did sreach... but it only made me more confused!!

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Do you have acess to cd's where you are? Because you can make a perfectly good drop spindle using a cd a little O ring and a piece of dowel and a small hook.They are easy to make and don't cost much. Don't get hung up on this GOOD QUALITY rubbish because so long as it spins the wool and is balanced you will learn. The cd spindle is ideal as it is balanced and very cheap ok.I understand the postage is expensive it is from Australia to,but drop spindles don't weigh much and you said you have wool. You have the internet there are tutorials online if you google drop spindle spinning i am sure you will find what you are looking for. Goodluck

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