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Afghan to complement "Hunt Club" decor?



I'm looking for a pattern for an afghan to go in a counselor's office; his office is decorated sort of British hunt club; darkish green with burgundy/brownish reds, very comfy and quiet. It would need to be sort of masculine. I've seen some plaid ones that would work, but I'm not into weaving (don't have a place to cut 84" pieces of yarn over and over and over again...). I've looked high and low on the internet; I own about 35 crochet pattern books and leaflets and nothing there either. Any help would be appreciated.

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13 answers to this question

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Wow!!! Ask and ye shall receive...never truer than here at Crochetville! You ladies are awesome to send me so much info and so many great links. :cheer I've actually seen some of them before, but not all of them and they are gorgeous. I know I'll find something here. THANK YOU!!:ghug


Could I ask, in your opinion, anyone, would an Aran-style afghan be ok in a color other than the traditional Aran off-white, say maybe a dark green heather, or maybe a green heather held together with a burgundy heather, for a 2-strand afghan? I'm usually pretty good at visualizing, but for some reason this one is escaping me.:shrug (I'm a victim of YAS too. :blush )

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Wow!!! Ask and ye shall receive...never truer than here at Crochetville! You ladies are awesome to send me so much info and so many great links. :cheer I've actually seen some of them before, but not all of them and they are gorgeous. I know I'll find something here. THANK YOU!!:ghug


Could I ask, in your opinion, anyone, would an Aran-style afghan be ok in a color other than the traditional Aran off-white, say maybe a dark green heather, or maybe a green heather held together with a burgundy heather, for a 2-strand afghan? I'm usually pretty good at visualizing, but for some reason this one is escaping me.:shrug (I'm a victim of YAS too. :blush )


I think the 2 heathers together would be too much, too. But I think the Aran-style afghan would be nice for this situation. It's a strong style that would be good for a man. In either color...it would be striking. How you thought of using just one of the colors? Making it a solid striking piece....Sometimes solids are great for accenting, but not being too busy. That's my opinion....

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Yes, I think you are both right; one or the other, not both. It might look really weird. Like a Christmas afghan gone bad!! Ha!! Anyway, thank you for all the really great advice and I'll post a picture when it's finished!




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Thank you, Thank you! I found 2 patterns I can mix; it'll have cable panels alternating with bobble panels and crossed cable panels. If you have the book Afghans on the Double, they are on pgs 46 and 58, or else 48 and 56 (it's downstairs, I'm upstairs...). One pattern says to use the cable panel from the other afghan, so I thought I'd add a crossed cable panel to the one on pg 56 or 58 (and eliminate the popcorn panel on that one) since it's kinda simple and I really like the crossed cable look.


All your help, and I found a pattern in one of my books after all. I hope you're not upset. I really do appreciate every second you all took to find me patterns!! And I love all your suggestions about colors and not mixing, etc.


I promise I'll post a picture. It'll probably take me a few weeks to make it. It uses 2 strands and a P hook, so it should go relatively quickly.


Thanks again for all your wonderful suggestions and help. I hope I can help you out someday with something...

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