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Granny square afghan in old movie


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I had the day off earlier this week and was spending some time working on my own crocheting when I came across a great old movie on AMC. "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir." There was a nice granny afghan in it that Gene Tierney use while napping, and use to cover up a big painting in her room later.


2 things - I wish it was in color so I could see it better. I could tell that it was multiple colors and edged in black. Second thing - I missed the end of the movie because I finished the scarf I was working on and wanted to post pictures of it. How dorky am I? :lol

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Hey Patty

That reminds me of a story . A couple years ago, we were down in Southern Ohio in the tiny little "village " my mom grew up in . My mom is now 70, so this was a LONG time ago . Anyhow, everytime we go down there for reunions, we drive through the little village to drive by my grandma's old house . This village has maybe 25 houses in it .

Anyhow, there was a big old farmhouse across the street from my grandma's house. It was old , deserted and almost falling down . It had a for sale sign in the yard. I pulled in the driveway to see if I could peek in the windows-- and notice the back door STANDING open ...

SO .... as some of you know already, I am NOSEY . I couldn't resist going in -- I hollered before going in to see if anyone may have been in there working ( which it looked like they had been ) . The house still had furniture in it .. all antiques . The downstairs bedroom had a white marble fireplace . There was another fireplace in the living room .Next to it sat an old rocking chair, with an afghan like you are describing laid on the back .

All in bright colors with a black edging. My gosh , that gave me such a strange feeling to see that afghan on there . Who knows HOW many years that afghan may have been there , or how long ago it was made ? It almost made me feel like the lady who made it was still there in the house , watching over it .

When I got home, I told my mom about the house. She knew the people well who lived there and told me all about them, so I kinda got to learn what this little old lady was like who had made that afghan . She was elderly when my mom was little .

I'll tell you what , ladies .... crochet for somone who will treasure and cherish what you made them. Not to sound morbid, but someday, none of us will be here any longer. But if you make something like that ( which must have taken a LONG time ) , YOU kinda live on IN that item . I think that lady's presence was still there in that afghan .

Believe it or not .


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Thanks for that story, I believe it that you would've had such a feeling standing in the room with that afghan...


I remember seeing the movie Ghost and Mrs. Muir, It was a good movie, at the end Mrs. Muir is very old and sitting in her chair in her bedroom, still has the same housekeeper from when she was young. She dies while sitting in the chair and the Ghost comes to get her spirit which of course is the young Mrs. Muir and the 2 ghosts walk off together. That has to be the best way for the movie to end....having her old with Captain Gregg just wouldn't do.

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  • 1 year later...
Thanks for telling me how it ends. I'd like to see the whole thing. Sounds like a lovely ending. :)


:)This is one of my favorite oldies...try to get it on dvd or vhs at your local library...pop some popcorn and enjoy...yes I did see the granny afghan..would love to know the colors....

also its been awhile when you watch it again....i think she also crochets sitting in the rocking chair..not sure...maybe I am thinking of Bette Davis in one of her movies...:think

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