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Bernat.com question


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Hi there, I'm fairly new to this site (big lurker!), but I have a problem I'm hoping maybe one (or more) of you can shed some light on.


I have been trying to become a member on Bernat.com for several days now. I have no problem filling out the member info, then it says it will email the activation link, but it never does. I have tried several different email addresses, none of them have received this link. I have also tried calling Bernat (through their contact info on their website), but the phone just rings, no one answers.


Does anyone else have these troubles with Bernat? I would love to become a member, there are a bunch of patterns I'd like to try. Any suggestions?



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OK, well first are you checking your junk mail folders too? Sometimes the one email I have been waiting for ends up being in my spam folder.

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Hi Tinker!


Fellow Calgarian, here :D (although currently transplanted into Ontario). I was able to register on the site no problems. The only thing I can think of is maybe the email address(es) you are giving--are they case sensitive? A lot of sites are picky that way, so if you use caps in your address you have to be specific when giving them the address, and make sure there are no spaces, etc. Other than that, have you tried emailing the administrator with the problems rather than calling? The site could also be experiencing problems too, you never know.



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I think it's probably too busy with the survey and so it's been slow or stopped for now. The survey was down for a few days already and it only started last week! I was trying to get my mother signed up and it hasn't sent the email yet either, I guess those who got through will be waiting for the ebooks too.

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Thanks for those quick responses! I heard about that survey, so that makes sense that maybe their server is just too busy. I couldn't find an email contact, and they're still not answering their phone, which is too bad. I made sure my email address was perfect (case sensitive) and that it didn't go into a junk folder. I guess I'll just have to wait. Too bad, I would've liked to do that survey too ;)


Thanks again!

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I became a member as well and I am still waiting for my activation email I would like to have access to the free patterns they have on the site.


I don't know about a survey though. Must be a thread somewhere.


I've been checking my junk folder and nothing as of yet



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