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Homespun Border Patterned Blanket (Pattern Number: 40699) CAL


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LOVE the pattern!! :cheer I thought that it would also be neat if done with a thinner yarn and smaller hook - and used as a baby blanket (hope someone didn't mention that already :think ).

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Welcome Kiki! glad you can join us, what colors are you going to be using?


hmc great Idea on the baby blanket I had not thought of that and it had not been mention here. so you going to join us?


ginny you are right about it being big!! I really didn't think it was going to be:eek

the pattern looked kinda small to me so I figured add an extra block and row to it!! I should have mesured first:lol But i think it is going to be cozy!!


I finished up the fourth row today and have one square done on my last row.


I had to go to wal-mart today to pick up some more cotton yarn for the kitchen/bath swap so I am going to try and finish that up tomorrow so I can spend my weekend watching the nascar races and working on this:yes

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Sissie: Right-- big and heavy! I'm going to weigh mine when I'm done.






I finished with my bath swap today and hope to get it in the mail tomorrow on my way to work. so tomorrow night when I get home and just in time for the Bush race i will be ready to sit and finish my last row on here then start putting together:clap

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Woo hoo! I've finished the crocheting and the weaving in of the few ends I had left. Now I have to go back and clip the ends and I'm done. I'll get a picture tomorrow in the daylight.


Sissie: Great progress! Now you get to do the fun part--the border.



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How do you do a crochet-along? This blanket will be great for my son

who lives up on Puget Sound. I started a jigsaw puzzle afghan for his last

birthday. What a pain! Tossed the yarn in the back of the closet. I am going to pull it out and start this blanket! :cheer

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Hello Noblebird, CAL's are easy just start the blanket, Have fun, come here and update when you can, Have fun, and oh yell did I forget HAVE FUN:jumpyay


It is good to have you here. what are the colors you will be using? some of us like me decided not to end each square just change colors at the end of that row.


Can't wait to see your piture Ginny! so Hurry up:lol:lol Now what are you going to be working on?

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Noblebird: Welcome! Glad to have you here. Let us know what colors you're using.


Well, here it is, my completed blanket. The colors look a little brighter in the pictures than they really are.


I have yarn for one more of these blankets in other colors, and also for the second prize afghan from this book. The name of the pattern is "Blue and White Checkerboard." I also want to start some smaller projects since summer is coming, but I haven't decided what yet. I'll be starting the checkerboard afghan first, I think.


Sissie: By the way, my blanket weighs about 4 1/2 lbs.



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I am not happy with the colors I have. It is 4 ply acrylic from Walmart, (Mainstay Crafts) I thought I would keep the vallejo tan and chocolate, return the other two colors and add an off-white. Do I really want to work with acrylic or do I want to "ditch" this yarn and get cotton? This is the second set of yarn I have bought for my son's afghan. The first set was primary colors. Then I realized his wife wouldn't want him to lay it around there "earth-toned home" My son is color blind, so I really don't know why I am so "fussy" about the colors.:think I guess I had better get started!

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WOW Ginny that is so pretty:cheer:cheer Great job on the border i really like The way you did your colors!!

Are you going to make a second one or are you starting on the checkerboard afghan now?


Noblebird your colors sound pretty to me, what are the two you are wanting to return?


I didn't get to work on mine today:( But i did finish with my bath swap:clap , me two 12 squares for jimmie lu's father:clap, & two preemie blankets for our april chirty blitz :clap now tomorrow i can spend working on this one:yay:yay


hope everyone has a great happy mother's day:hug:hug:hug

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Noblebird: The vallejo tan, chocolate and off-white sound good to me. The Homespun I worked with is 98% acrylic. Cotton might be ok. If your yarn is not as thick as homespun you'll have to add more stitches and rows, but I think it could work with cotton if that's what you prefer.


Sissie: Wow, you've been busy. Good job! I'm going to do the checkerboard afghan next. I need a change!



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Sissie: Wow, you've been busy. Good job! I'm going to do the checkerboard afghan next. I need a change!





are you going to be doing this in a CAL? hey maybe you can start one for it:yes


i never did see the pattern for it:no

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Noblebird and Sissie: Thanks for both your kind comments. I think it turned out pretty well. The fawn yarn was so much thicker than the other colors that it created some problems, such as a tendency for the border to bunch up a bit, but I just decided to live with it and not try to adjust the pattern somehow.


I can't find any pictures online of the checkerboard afghan. I'll put a picture of a swatch or something out here for you at some point.



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  • 1 month later...

Well...I kinda got offtrack with this one....but I purchased yet again, some new yarn to use for this blanket. I was using Bernat Soft Bouclee...but it's pretty hard to use....to fluffy! So I bought some Bernat Harmoney last night, and I've made two squares already!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it would look just as nice in double crochets....and I agree about doing single crochets.....blah! LOL

I posted a pic of all my squares sewn together...all I have left to do now is the border!

I was hoping to have this done for my boyfriends birthday, but considering it's tomorrow....:eek....I don't think I'll be finished!!

You can check it out on my blog! :hook

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OMG I just found this CAL!


You ladies doing all these awesome CALs are gonna get me into trouble. :devil


I have recently started a Tupperware business and am supposed to be focusing on it (starting off much better than I anticipated) since I recently sold my cloth diaper accessory manufacturing business...but heck...I just cannot stay off of this group and out of these CALs. :hook


We are relocating with my dh job at the end of next week...so I definitely want in, but first we must be moved, unpacked and I must complete a few WIP.


I'll be back around in a couple of weeks to show my progress!




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