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Culling the herd...

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Okay, I have way too many crocheted scarves and hats. There are just so many patterns out there I like, I can't imagine stopping when I have enough scarves. I knit, too, which adds to the surplus. My number of bags is also starting to get a little high. :blush


What do y'all do about this? Store some away and rotate wearing them? Pick only your favorites and donate the rest to charity?


Thanks :hook

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I would donate - it's a great way to clean out your drawers/closets and do something for someone else at the same time. All my 'haven't worn for a while' goes to a place here in town that lets people go in and get clothing, etc. that they need.

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I'm wrestling with this myself. I started out by culling all the store bought stuff that I never ever wear anymore. That made a bit of room in the hat/scarf drawer. So, I made some more :hook and now it's full again. I'll probably gift some between now and next winter to make room for the ones I know I'll make then lol.

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you could send them to the pine ridge reservation, there are many people there who are actually freezing to death from lack of heat. i know there is a web site for that but can not remember it right now. maybe someone else knows it and can help. i know its hard to not make things repeatedly, i have a shawl/ponco fetish myself LOL, but am trying hard to make other things. i am sure who ever you would give them to would love them alot. or you could sell them on www.etsy.com there are alot of scarfs going up for sale on there. good luck hon and maybe think of something different, like purses:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Donating is a great idea. There are SO many wonderful charities out there that could use them.



you could send them to the pine ridge reservation, there are many people there who are actually freezing to death from lack of heat. i know there is a web site for that but can not remember it right now. maybe someone else knows it and can help.


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