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Favorite Tools & Things

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I don't really have a lot of implements, just starting to get a good collection of things. Probably my favorite thing is every time I sit down, I remember my great-grandmother teaching me my first stitiches over 30 years ago! I never thought I would use the knowledge she gave me yet, here I am!

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I have a basket as well, but its a weird shape. My father-in-law gave it to me, thinking that I could use it for yarn!


It has a deep centre tube, then around the outside of the rim it has a 'mote' (for lack of a better word). I keep the yarn and some magazines in the centre and the hooks, needles, scraps, etc in the mote. It also has two handles so it's easy to move from room to room; not exactly portable enough to carry out of the house, but who can complain?

If I can find a pic I'll post it later.

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Hi, I don't have any of those great stories; however, my favorite crochet tools are the 00-14 crochet hooks I bought way back in the 60's. They are stamped Boye 10 cents a piece. :hook I guess I have had them for quite some time. They are still in perfect shape.

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