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Fun Fur purse strap

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I just had to share this with everyone...


I made one of my nieces a purse made with a Berry colored SS yarn and did the trim and strap with a nice contrasting fun fur...


After Christmas my SIL told me that my niece loved the purse but that the strap was way too long (it was a bit long) but that she was going to just cut the strap in 2 since it's made of fabric and sew it back together! She didn't believe that I crocheted the strap! I warned her that if she cuts it, that the whole thing will unravel and I think I finally convinced her that it was crocheted...


I was thinking maybe just kind of folding the strap where it would make that part almost double thickness and sew it together there. Does this make sense??? Even a little buckle or something might work too...

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Donna, I agree that you might try just sewing the strap at the point that makes it the right length. Then just spread the loop open and flat and hand-sew (with yarn) that piece back along the strap. That will just make the strap thicker from the center out to where the extra piece ends. I think that wouldn't look like "a fix", but more like part of the design of the purse. Did I make that clear?

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