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Updated on Gift Shop Owner

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I will also add this too: a person who doesn't craft or may not be aware of the time and thought and effort that goes into something handmade may not be as appreciative of the time and effort...


Also, and I am bad about this, sometimes it is hard for me to express myself in person to someone who has done something nice for me. I usually feel as if they end up thinking I'm a loon or not thankful enough of thankful too much. I get all nervous and clam up can't think of something to say.



Just a couple thoughts.

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Well ... I agree that it was kinda rude ... BUT ... she honestly may have forgotten to say thank you. It had been what, a week? Two? She's probably pretty busy if she owns her own shop and has a dd to boot. I am awful about thank yous, if I get them sent within a month after receiving a gift that's good for me. (And there are people here who can tell you that while it may take me a while, I DO make sure to say thank you!). It NEVER means I don't appreciate something, it just means that I do badly in that area of saying thank you in a timely manner.


I understand your frustration, just wanted to share another perspective. If she really did seem to appreciate it and this is a person you like - and a shop you like - I don't think I would write her off completely. If I lost friends based on a situation like that I probably wouldn't have very many. :blush

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it is possible she forgot. it is also possible she is very busy.


I myself am usually terrible at thank yous, doesn't mean i am ungreatful, just scatterbrained.

I wouldn't write off a friend because of it. seems kinda petty.

just my 2 cents

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Also, and I am bad about this, sometimes it is hard for me to express myself in person to someone who has done something nice for me. I usually feel as if they end up thinking I'm a loon or not thankful enough of thankful too much. I get all nervous and clam up can't think of something to say.
I get this way, too--I have bad social anxiety and I clam up at the weirdest times.
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