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Sweet Dreams Baby Afghan Terry Kimbrough

Marge 0121


2 answers to this question

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Hi Marge, welcome to the 'ville!  I haven't made this nor do I have the book, but I understand that while Terry Kimbrogh's patterns are lovely, they are also challenging.  Counting your stitches each round is essential I'm afraid.

So, hopefully someone else will come along who has made this pattern and give more specific advice, but I can only state the obvious, for a rectangular blanket the corners should match each other and be centered on the corners, and each short side of the blanket's stitch count should match each other, as well as each long side should match each other. 

How far off stitch-wise are you?  If you are off by a stitch or 2 on each side, you might be able to add or subtract a stitch near the corners without it being terribly obvious.  If you are off by a lot, you have 2 choices: rip back a few rounds to a round where you have the right number of stitches on each side ( I know, this is a LOT of work on a big blanket like this), try to wing a redesign yourself (this is NOT an easy thing*) or abandon the designed edging and add more plain rows to get the size you need, and maybe borrow the last round of picots, doing a little math to space them evenly around.

I'm sorry there isn't a easier and simple solution to this.  

* I make a lot of lace doilies and redesign bits all the time, mostly to keep them lying flat but sometimes to change the appearance in some way, but (1) I have been crocheting for decades and know what is likely to work and what isn't (2) in spite of this, I still occasionally end up ripping when a brilliant idea to change something ended up meh instead of marvelous.

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