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Estate Sales Rock! (that sounds bad)

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okay that sounded kind of bad :eek


anyway, I was at an Estate sale today and picked up two huge boxes full of yarn for $10.00 and over 10 yards of vintage fabric for $5.00


The yarn is pretty much neutral and primary colors but there are a ton of them between 50-80 skeins, I am estimating.


Wooo Whoo.......know I need my husband to build me a crochet cabinet to hold all this yarn!!

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Wow! What a great find!!!!! Estate sales are great unless the deceased's family run it. They always want too much money for grandmas stained couch! LOL You can always tells when the family is running it or someone independant is running it!

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I know what you mean!! The lady running it today was a family member but I also work with her and she had no use for the yarn, so I lucked out. I have been to a lot of estate sales run by family members and they won't budge at all on the price.....they don't want the stuff but they want too much $$ for used stuff.

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A few months ago, my Dad went to an estate sale. When he saw there was a ton of yarn, he came over and brought me to it. The prices were very good so I got a whole lot (it turned out to be a kitchen trash bag full.) A family member came in and I mentioned that I was getting it for the group I'm in that makes chemo hats. She said, "Oh, get some more then!" I thought she was going to give me a discount so I picked up a few more skeins but when I went to the cashier, I found she that told her to give it all to me for free! That was so nice! I wish I'd gotten her address so I could send her a thank you note.


So, I think it's usually better when a family runs the estate sale. I've found that the professionally run ones around here tend to price things higher. Yes, I've been to the junky family sales too but every once in a while one like this one comes along.

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I know this sounds bad but living in Florida with about 1/2 of America's retired living here as well, there seem to always been estate sales going on. The last 5 I have gone to were horrible! This one I went to had an old stained couch that they wanted $250 for!!! It wasn't an antique or anything! It was horrible!


I went to another one a few weeks back and NOTHING was priced (a big pet peeve of mine! nobody wants to ask what each thing costs!) anyway, I picked out a few items I liked. One was a Tupperware container (small, old, nothing fancy), plastic platter dish and another little trinket. I offered $5 for all of it (which was a great deal more than I should have offered) and the lady looked at me and said "Not today. I need at least $20 for all of it! If you come back next week I may give it to you for $10" I couldn't believe it! HELLO! These items brand new wouldn't have cost $20 let alone used and scratched up! As I was leaving I heard her talking to a friend who was there and she was the daughter of the person that passed away...


However the best estate sale I went to a FRIEND held. I agree that if you have it "professionally" done it sometimes costs more, but having a good friend hold it is sometimes much better. Anyway, this one was awesome! I got an almost new Tupperware Cake Carrier for 50 cents, I also got tons of clothes (for free), a One Year Bible for a quarter and a bunch of CD's and Cassette tapes 10 for $1...


Garage sales and Estate Sales are always crap shoots. You never know if you'll strike out or not until you give it a try!

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I'm actually jealous! I love vintage fabrics! My entire kitchen is vintage, lol. I wish we had estate sales here :(



...You hope that old people croak and their kids sell the stuff?

:eek Donna, I'm surprised!


Ya' know I'm just teasing you. :hug;)

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Lucky you! I hit the jackpot at an estate sale this summer and got 2 boxes (you know the kind 10 reams of paper comes in?) full of knit and crochet patterns and magazines for $5. There was a ton of yarn, too, but I didn't buy it ALL. Of course, after I got home I had to sit on my hands to keep myself from going back and getting more. There was no organization to the sale. It looked like they just opened the closets and drawers and said "Have at it". I found bank statements and personal correspondence mixed in with the goodies, and I felt sorry for the old woman even though she was deceased. I felt like I was invading her privacy.

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