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Separating Plies?





So basically, I've been "commissioned" to crochet a prom dress for a friend, which is totally manageable in general. My first problem was we couldnt find any nicely pigmented burgundy lace weight yarn that was still soft at any of our local craft stores. (By local I mean we searched as far as 30 miles away)


Anyways, we found a beautiful yarn except its Medium or 4 weight, which will work but I worry about the dress being too heavy and extremely uncomfortable after long term wear in the Arizona heat since our prom is April 29th. I had an epiphany one night while lying in bed stressing and thought about separating the yarn strands ply by ply and crocheting with two plies at a time. 


I've since tested that option and it works wonderfully, my next problem is that separating the plies is extremely time consuming to do by hand, plus I am having hand cramps after doing so for so long. 


Does anyone have any ideas of easier ways I can separate the plies for a few skeins are yarn quickly and easily?





(I've attached a picture of the yarn below for an idea of the weight)


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5 answers to this question

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Oh wow!  That sounds daunting.  It's hard enough to keep yarn from twisting and knotting, I can't imagine trying to unply it, too.  I would NOT try to unply an entire skein at one time.  I thought of 2 ideas.  I'm not crazy about either one of them, but then again I wouldn't attempt to do this at all.  (Sorry)


First, you could cut manageable strips of yarn and unply those.  This would mean a lot more weaving ends.


I use mesh laundry bags to hold my yarn while I'm working.  (3 for a $1 at the dollar store.)  I then put the center tail through one of the holes.  I think that if you did this, but only put 2 strands through a hole and the other 2 strands through a nearby whole, the bag would unply it for you.  You'd have to constantly spin the bag to keep the yarn flowing.  I'd ball up the unused strands as you go, too.  I don't know if this method would work.  It's just a theory.

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You will run away screaming after you've unplied maybe a yard. (tried it once, nope, nope nope)


Redrosesdz, I think you'd have to work out a way to spin the skein inside the bag, not spin the bag itself, otherwise the holes would be spinning too.


Your best bet will be to look for some yarn online.  


Another thought...this is something I've always thought would be really cool but never tried it; make a lace bodice (blouse, sleeveless or short sleeved) out of thread (or maybe a fine weight yarn, but I'm a threadie...) that will fit over a simple sewn dress of satin/fancy fabric.  I can't imagine wearing anything yarny in Arizona at the end of April.


example - something like this for example...maybe with some beads...could be made shorter with fewer pattern repeats between the pineapples.  I know they make burgundy thread but the trick would be matching it to fabric



another - omit the straps & could be attached to a strapless dress, could also be made shorter


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I've tried to unply a good amount and gotten quite frustrated with the yarn becoming too twisted and catching on the fibers of itself. I don't want to totally throw in the towel and give up, so I'll find something to make it work. 


Thanks for the suggestions!

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