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Anyone with a crochet helper in the form of a cat?

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Our Hunter is a sneaky one; he quietly curls up and pretends to pay no attention, and then suddenly I'm crocheting away and my tension goes wonky ... and I hit a wet spot ... and the yarn ends because sneaky innocent-looking cat has bitten right through it. He seems to think it's a great game, too. Jasmine ignores the whole yarn/crocheting thing totally.


Crochetfun, I have a conure who also tries to steal hooks. I wonder what it is that fascinates them so much? Jesse will try to grab it out of my hand, and then fuss at me indignantly when I refuse to let him have it. I tried giving him his very OWN hook, but it seems that's not the same at all -- he wants the one I'm working with, thank you. Funny birdie :D

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I love sneaky cats...the ones who you can tell by looking in their eyes just what they are thinking, regardless of how innocent they are trying to look...little imps...


Guess who decided that she must have the crochet hook now? Too funny.

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My Boog Boogs is a sneaky one too. He'll jump up on the couch and play snuggle bunny when I'm crocheting (as long as the dogs are outside) and act like he's sleeping. Then all of a sudden I hit a wet spot, and can't pull the yarn anymore! Thankfully he hasn't succeeded in breaking it yet. If the dogs are inside, he's been know to grab a skein and run with it. Trailing it around the house for the dogs. And yes, all three dogs love playing with yarn! Smudge will basically jump up and lay on the yarn so I can't work, but Stitch and Zero will take what Boog Boogs gives them and proceed in fighting over it or tangling it around the furniture. I made the mistake of leaving them alone for 5 minutes during that time they conspired together and I had a HUGE mess to clean up! And DH just laughed. Harumph. Thankfully Jules is too shy of a cat to play.And there have been nights where I've had three dogs and a cat in my lap while I was trying to work. And as often as I pushed them off, the would jump back up. I eventually have to give up. Animals are so funny sometimes. I'll have to find some of the pictures from the fighting and post them...

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I had forgotten, but besides my sons cats, our poodle used to take my yarn ball and play with it, she thought is was one of her toys. She unravelled many progects before I stated putting my yarn away better.


My cat (16 years old) actually likes to help me when I'm quilting. She will get up on the table and lay down on the project that I have in the machine! I actually cut some of her tail hair off one day with the rotary cutter!!!:eek

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I love reading about all the other animals, I have "craft Kitty" who likes to remove all the yarn out of one of the wire cubicals and lay on the rest. And I also have "Yarn Kitty" who likes to pull down when I am pulling up on the yarn. I was working on an afghan and I layed it down on the floor besides my chair went to bed. Woke up the next morning and "Yarn Kitty" had yarn all the way down the hallway, around the kitchen chairs several times and around the kitchen......anyway I had to cut it because I could not un tangle it. I learned my lesson.

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I was looking for my RH Light and Lofty yarn that I was using to make a scarf for my SIL and for the life of me, I couldn't find it. Last night, when I was about to fall asleep...Kaleigh, my cat, started her singing. She sounded so desperate for attention and when I looked over on the floor to watch her come down the hall, I noticed that she had something in her mouth and it was trailing behind her. Lo and behold! She was brining me my lost yarn!!!!! I praised her for it and she just gave me this look like..."well you were complaining about this yarn...here it is and get up and crochet!!!"

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Serenghetti tried to redecorate the living room with the Christmas Card Holder project...yarn around the coffee table and all across the living to the door way on the other side of the room...


Meanwhile, this is a test picture of her with her crocheted catnip mouse...can anyone tell me if they can see it or not?



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Hi Melanie and crochet queen...your crafty cats sound great and I love that one also was redecorating and the other found the lost yarn...good kitties...

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Serenghetti, addicted to yarn...






Now is that dc then sc, or sc then dc...




Wicked little beast...but a love bug none the less...

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Serenghetti tried to redecorate the living room with the Christmas Card Holder project...yarn around the coffee table and all across the living to the door way on the other side of the room...


Meanwhile, this is a test picture of her with her crocheted catnip mouse...can anyone tell me if they can see it or not?




I can see it and what a sweet baby!!!

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Got 8 of the fur balls. The yarn kitty is Snickers. He learned to open my yarn closet, so now I have to brace it shut. I really don't think he enjoys the yarn as much he likes annoying me. He bites at the hook while I'm crocheting & will casually grab the skein I'm working with and walk off. The rest of them prefer waiting until I make a new cat toy. Their favorite is scrunchies. Got tired of them grabbing mine, so now they have their own. Itty Bit likes to hide them, in my bed!

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Hello Alosha and Crochetkitty...


I finished the Christmas Card Holder...well sort of...still needs a touch here and there...but I have it hanging up and cards are attached to it more or less...and yes, Serenghetti made things interesting as I was trying to get the final trim crocheted on...she just cracks me up...


It's fun and yes, it's frustrating sometimes...something I'm gonna have to get used to and try to work around...but she's making me laugh after most of a summer of crying...a small price to pay...

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I started crocheting again recently and my cat Rumpole has never seen me crochet. I was working on a snood when he caught sight of the thread unwinding; his pupils dilated and his whiskers stood straight out and he went "OMG, that is the BEST toy EVER!" He then proceeded to jump up on my lap and chew every milimeter of thread before I used it and got very upset if I stopped and the thread stopped moving.


Now all of my projects have short black hairs incorporated in them. :lol

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Hi 13bodies and Alosha, when I was crocheting the trim on the card holder, it was one strain of gold thread or kind of like cording and one strain of a really odd speciality thread I can't even describe...and Serenghetti did what Snickers was doing...at one point because I really wanted to get this project done, I made DH hold her...'cause of course, giving her her own piece of thread just didn't cut it...like with Rumpole...as far as she's concerned, the moving thread or yarn coming off the skein while being crocheted is THE BEST TOY EVER...

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