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Help with this pattern, I'm lost !



Okay, i have the back and front done.. i can't figure out how they want the sleeves done.. am i suppose to make it flat then stitch together longways,.. THEN stitch to jacket.. OR..keep flat/open,.. stitch to jacket.. then join and stitch down the long way of the sleeve?


this is the pattern I'm working on and i am at the 'Sleeves' section.


thank you for any input/advice!!

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6 answers to this question

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Is this it?   It says sew front and back shoulders and sides then sew in sleeves. It appears they are done flat but doesn't say to sew them but I think you need to.  It's on ravelry there are a few projects there maybe they can tell you how they did it .

Or it's at yarninspriatons under Kingston jacket



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At the very end of the pattern is a schematic.


This is made like a t-shirt (except open in the front).  Just rectangles front and back, with trapezoid shaped sleeves sewn in.  The schematic shows the area the sleeve is to be sewn to.


I do a lot of fabric sewing as well as crocheting & knitting, and this is how I always do my sleeves - much easier than sewing sleeve seam, and body seam, and 'setting in' the sleeve by sewing a circle around the sleeve.


Sew (or slip stitch together) the front and back together at shoulder seams. (right sides together with all the seams, so seam is on the inside)

Match the sleeve top's center point to the shoulder seam, sew together (sew sleeve to the body, half of sleeve across front of body, half across back)

You should now have a huge T shape.  Fold in half at the shoulders, right sides together, and sew 1 long underarm seam on each side, connecting each body side and sleeve sides in 1 long seam.

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  • My messages keep disappearing even when typing I am about to give up.

Maybe there was a misprint when the pattern was published because it is strange it doesn't say how to finish them.



I did a lot of sewing too and did them the older way and then your way and liked it better too.


It was the same with pants they were done one way then the patterns changed to a better way.

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The pattern link in the first post went to a page in the way back machine, also known as the internet archive. Due to copyright concerns, we do not allow sharing of links to patterns that can only be found in the archive and that are no longer available on the copyright holder's website.

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