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Help please!



So I'm making 25 infinity scarves for someone. My problem is each scarf I make is a different size! I start each one off by counting 118 chains for the first row. The scarves aren't lopsided or anything funky but each one is different. Some short some long as you can see in the photo. What could I possibly be doing wrong for these results??


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4 answers to this question

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How much difference is that? And does it really matter? I mean do they need to be totally uniform?


As to why it happened i would say either your initial count was off a bit, or your tension changed as you went along.

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I vote for tension changing.  The longer ones do look looser.  Are you sure you grabbed the same hook each time?  Are the newer ones bigger (with the same hook)?  Maybe you are going looser/quicker as the pattern is requiring less of your attention.  Just guessing, but I notice my tension changes with my mood, or depending on what I'm watching on TV....

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Granny Square, on 13 Nov 2015 - 3:14 PM, said:Granny Square, on 13 Nov 2015 - 3:14 PM, said:

............. Just guessing, but I notice my tension changes with my mood, or depending on what I'm watching on TV....


Granny Square; :lol  I do the same. If watching a fast paced program/movie, I get all charged up and crochet like a mad woman and if a slower paced program, just go with the flow.


Boosted612; Nice scarves! Did you go back and count stitches.......possibly skipping stitches in the first row?

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