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Going slightly batty

Sue Edwards-Catt


Greetings & Salutations everyone! My current WIP is filetted cafe curtains in #10 cotton in Ecru with a size 1.5mm hook; the pattern is from a 1987 Crochet Monthly magazine. I'm 3/4 of the way finished. It's 29" by 17". And yes the size is correct thus far.


Its states in the pattern "45g #10 cotton". When I read this I thought 'great I have 2 x 100g balls of #10! I'll have plenty!' but now I'm up to row 56 of 77 and I've used about 90g of my 100g ball :-o! I'm thinking there was a typo in the original print.


Does anyone know where I can find out if there was a 'corrections' printed?

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That is unfortunate!  And ecru, as well--I hope you can find more of the same brand of thread that matches, I've found even white is hard to match :(


I've had very different results in actual yardage used compared to patterns - sometimes I'll have skeins left over; sometimes I buy an extra skein which I shouldn't have had to use, but ended up breaking into it to finish the project.  This doesn't help since you already thought you had 2x what you needed...


Sometimes pattern material lists are worded something like this:

"3 balls Brand X #10 thread (45g, 250 meters per ball)."

The magazine might have made a typo and omitted all but the 45 gram part...

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This is the end result of what I'm making. So far so good.




I hope you can read it, it's a bit fuzzy. But this is what the magazine states to use




This is the magazine.



Granny Square, I did manage to find some more of the exact shade of Ecru because the one I'm currently using is an old model. It's a DMC but the make of it is no longer being made. And I think they might of left a zero off the end.


Rat dog, I've tried looking up the publishers website only problem is I don't understand French! The publisher is 'Les Editions de Saxe'

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