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Yarns worth?



Hi my mom crochets. We have recently moved her into our house becausedshe is in the beginning stages of dementia.


She has amassed alot of yarn and I mean a lot.


People have given it to her or she has inherented or bought it.


We want to sell it and use the money to buy yarn as needed because nowsshe is home based at my house but is visiting relatives alot.


How do I price it?

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It is up to you, but I would first split it to find out what you have, by color and maybe by manufacture, if you can.  I need organization.


I am not sure what the price can be, but I say if you can check out prices on line and as most cut it in half.  Just my opinion.


By the way, WOW that is a lot of yarn.

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Just looking at the photos, it looks like most of it is acrylic "workhorse" yarn that would be used for making afghans.  In the first photo, it looks to me like some of this may be old enough that it is considered 'vintage' and could be brands that people might be hunting for.  


i would sort it by brand and then by the individual yarn name listed on the label.  Then you can look at Destash threads here and on Ravelry.com, and at listings on ebay, to see how much people are able to sell it for.  


Buyers will want to know how it's been stored, so be prepared to answer questions about that if you hope to get the going rate for it.  Smoke from tobacco or wood stove, and pet hair, are 2 things most will ask about.  


If you don't really want to sort it---and I can see why you wouldn't as it will be a big job---you can try selling it as one big lot of unspecified yarn, but I think that will result in very low, if any, offers.  


The average skein sold in a big-box store is brand new and untouched (unless a careless person has messed with it), and guaranteed not to have smoke or pet dander, or bugs, in it...and can be had for usually $2-3 esp w/ a coupon.  You might want to look in the yarn sections of Walmart/Joanns/ACMoore, or whatever other craft sotres are in your area to get an idea.  And be aware than most shoppers ar Joanns etc are using 40-60% of coupons every time they shop, so you can't go by the price on the shelf.  


Another idea would be to keep the skeins that are in the best shape, and/or her favorite colors, just keep a plastic storage bin or 2 of it, then sell the rest for whatever you can get for it.  That would be manageable to store and you wouldn't have to use the proceeds to buy new yarn.  

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Walmarts cheapest skene is $2.88

I figure. 50¢ each

250 x 50¢ = $125
4 bags of balls 2$ esch = $8
65 skenes of smaller special yarn at 30¢ = 19.50
Bag of large skene 7$
Alot of the red heart yarn and yes alot of very old yarn


total $150 ?

It's been in good condition, no smoke, no pets






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" YOUR QUOTE: Walmarts cheapest skene is $2.88


I figure. 50¢ each


250 x 50¢ = $125

4 bags of balls 2$ esch = $8

65 skenes of smaller special yarn at 30¢ = 19.50

Bag of large skene 7$

Alot of the red heart yarn and yes alot of very old yarn


total $150 ?


It's been in good condition, no smoke, no pets"




I must say, I find these same yarn "HOMESPUN" a big bag that had 6 entirely new unopened un-used yarns, in same colors, for only 2.99, for those six big yarns which equals only 50 cents per new thing of yarn. This is normal price at Goodwill, and people are not lining up to buy it, not a lot of people like this yarn.


The best yarns is what people are looking for! Real wools, or those nice yarns from Italy, like Cashmere or costly ones. The acrylics are so plentiful, and cheap, that I find Goodwill lady throwing away many packages of it when they did not sell! I did not want them either, ugly orange, blacks, browns in acrylic. Maybe your grandmother paid good money original price for those, but people toss them aside unwanted!



there is another website, I think called knitting paradise, they have a forum for "yarns for sale" popular forum, maybe look there and see what people sell theirs own yarns for the prices. Look what people are selling theirs for, then price yours less! that means "price to sell"


Another GOOD option! Place ad in Craigslist and say you are selling yarn at a garage sale. People will be lining up to buy all of it. Do not put your phone number or email unless you want hundred calls a day. Just put the time and address if you want to- say only at this time and no more later and you are done. You do not have to deal with meeting up with someone at a special time


OR- just do online only, and sell them by each. Your choice.


OR: keep them all and crochet yourself why not.


I have more yarn than you have, some is cheap acrylics too, when I purchase it cheaply when I did not know what is good or bad yarns. Those I use for Charity for making stuff for whatever. Good luck, and only advice I can give you is to LOOK online at what others SOLD theirs for, that is only way to find worth. The price tag is meaningless truly.

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