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Eyelet-Stripe Tunic from Crochet Red book 2013...help!



Ok I've been working on this pattern and I've been reading the instructions meticulously. However, by the end of row 16 I have many more stitches than I think I should. There aren't any stitch counts so I'm not sure, but the pictures don't look like there should be any increases. Has anyone made this? Can anyone help??

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7 answers to this question

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I haven't made it, but sometimes it helps to write out the stitches or create a diagram.  By writing out the stitches, I mean spell out the pattern (e.g. 2d, (3ch, 2dc) twice becomes dc, dc, ch3, dc, dc, ch3, dc, dc) however it makes sense to you.  Seeing it on paper will help you with stitch count and understanding.

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I don't have the book, but it appears that there are V-stitches with clusters made into them, near the bottom; I'm wondering if you are making maybe a DC increase instead of a cluster?  I'm not sure how else you could be going 'off'.  Do the stitches in this part of your piece line up like they do in the photo?


I agree this should not be increasing in the body, it is just a straight T shape.


Can you take a photo (of your work) and post it?  Maybe one of us could spot something.  There is 1 project with comments on Ravelry, but no mention of problems with the pattern.

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No diagrams or stitch counts for rows. The problem came after the tr tr row, I'm going to do fewer sc and see if that works out. Can't find any corrections online for this pattern but I love the way the finished product looks!!

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Ok I figured it out! There is an error in row row 15, the pattern says 2 sc in each ch-2 sp but you only need 1 sc. Then the stitch count doesn't increase! Yeah!!

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Gretchen, did it work out for you?


I have the book checked out from the library.  Just reading the pattern, haven't tried actually making it, but to me it looks like you do have 2 sts in every ch sp on that row. The small photo on the last pg of the pattern shows 2 sts there.


 I think you should still have the same st count as you had in the last row for which they gave a st count, as I don't see any inc or dec.  

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