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Just wondering...how much time do you spend crocheting?



Hello everyone: I love crocheting...I am a nurse and work full time, so I crochet in the evening and weekends. When I am at the beginning of a project.... Or, nearly finished, I find myself trying to find any extra time to work on it.... I will sometimes go out to my car and crochet during my lunch break! I cannot simply sit and watch television... Have to have something to work on. In the spring, I love to sit outside and crochet. I don't crochet that much during the hot summers here in Texas. I can really get a lot done crocheting with just good music on. My husband tells me that I wiggle both feet the entire time I am crocheting....I don't realize that I do that! How do you crochet? And, what motivates you? Just wondering......do you like difficult patterns...or, simple and fast? I make more afghans than anything else.

Hope to hear from you! MargeeTx

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hi ya,I crochet off and on some days,  but when i worked, I also spent a few lunch hours, at the park, in my car, eating a burger , watching the ducks, and crocheting something!! lol


I like to do simple things to relalx, and when I feel ambitious, ill take on bigger things, or when someone orders something from me, then I hate to put it down, till done......


I crochet year round, thank goodness for central air, and heat, or I wouldn't in the hot weather either, probably.

Theres so much to learn and do, on the ville, when Im not crocheting, I m browsing patterns, and projects, and cruising all the threads here, at the ville that interest me.


Hope to see you around, don't be a stranger!! You can usually find me posting on the granny square friendship/comfortghan thread, come on in and visit!      

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I crochet every day, even for a few minutes, depending on what I am doing. I have multiple projects going at the same time so I can switch off. I find I get more done that way. I do a multitude of projects, afghans both for adults and children and babies, prayer shawls, hats, scarves.


When I worked, I would often crochet on breaks and lunch hours. Now that I am retired, I have more time. I find it very relaxing and therapeutic.



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Most evenings and weekends. I :crocheting during lunch too, especially when I have a deadline on a project. I take a project with me everywhere I go. When I visit my family they don't ask how I'm doing, they ask what I'm working on :lol . I sprained my wrist once and nearly went :P not being able to  :crocheting for a couple of days.

Ellie 13

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