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wow-I never dreamed

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I just started crocheting not to long ago-thought oh this will be fun! Now I have 1 finished um blanket, 3 more in progress and today started on some dishtowels......Of course to do this I needed yarn,,,,so I have been addicted to ebay, watching stores for sales, waiting on a yarn faerie, and yesterday-thought I would run to hobby lobby to take a look see-homespun on sale, got to get some, needed cotten for dishtowels, got to get some, they didn't have the right color for the afgan I was already making so off to walmart I go.......seeing a pattern here? I find myself checking ebay in the morn before I check my email-looking at my massive library of book thinking hum I really don't need all of these-hey could buy some yarn with the money I make selling it! urg-I'm addicted to rocheting and I need help,lol.:eek

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I have to warn you, the people here at Crochetville will not help you to retain a mild attitude to crochet. When I joined this site I really enjoyed crocheting, but my stash consisted of the yarn I needed for the project (singular) I was working on. Then I came to this site, started looking around and being inspired, and my yarn stash has quadrupled (not too much yet:wink) to accomodate the projects (multiple) that I am working on as well as the projects I have in mind to complete. It just doesn't stop, and my enjoyment only increases. :cheer:hook

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you know us so well :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl:devil:devil :devil:devil:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :devil:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl:devil

I have to warn you, the people here at Crochetville will not help you to retain a mild attitude to crochet. When I joined this site I really enjoyed crocheting, but my stash consisted of the yarn I needed for the project (singular) I was working on. Then I came to this site, started looking around and being inspired, and my yarn stash has quadrupled (not too much yet:wink) to accomodate the projects (multiple) that I am working on as well as the projects I have in mind to complete. It just doesn't stop, and my enjoyment only increases. :cheer:hook
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Yes, you are just starting a "stash". Believe me, its just the beginning...soon you will find yarn all over the house......

Of course, some of the ladies here are really organized or lucky enough to have a yarn room.....just buying the yarn is half the fun I think!

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welcome to the dark side........the beginnings of smuggling yarn , implements, patterns and thread into the house are now growing within you.....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Remember these capacities:

Messenger bag = 10 skeins of yarn or 6 thread balls

Computer Back Pack w/ Laptop = 22 skeins of yarn or 12 balls of thread.


enjoy the addiction


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welcome to the dark side........the beginnings of smuggling yarn , implements, patterns and thread into the house are now growing within you.....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Remember these capacities:

Messenger bag = 10 skeins of yarn or 6 thread balls

Computer Back Pack w/ Laptop = 22 skeins of yarn or 12 balls of thread.


enjoy the addiction



That's funny...and oh-so-true :lol

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