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I am new to crochet, but have been knitting for years. I am well and truly stumped with this pattern for a hat. I have been dc in the round with increases so its been like a spiral. Now the pattern says "ch3, dc in previous st, skip 1 dc in next st, dc in skipped st around." That first chain flaps around and I'm supposed to have the same number of stitches as I started with. Whats going wrong?

Thanks so much for any help.

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5 answers to this question

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You will do your normal ch3, then you will cross back to the stitch before the ch3.  DC in that stitch, then skip the stitch in front of the ch3 and dc in the next stitch.  This gives you an X in the pattern.

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Thank you everyone, the videos are very helpful and I have the hang of the cross stitch now when working straight. Just one more question: as I have been working round (it looks like a spiral), now when I do the 3 chain do I turn the work and work back? Im not happy with the flappy 3chain look? Also do I do the 3 chain everytime?

My mum always helped with my knitting but I'm on my own with crochet so I really appreciate your time.

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If you want an alternative to the chain three http://www.ravelry.com/projects/TXCr1cket/chainless-starting-dc-stitch---updated

Takes a little practice, works very well.


Also you could try chaining only two instead of three.


What is the pattern you are using?

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Thank you everyone, the videos are very helpful and I have the hang of the cross stitch now when working straight. Just one more question: as I have been working round (it looks like a spiral), now when I do the 3 chain do I turn the work and work back? Im not happy with the flappy 3chain look? Also do I do the 3 chain everytime?

My mum always helped with my knitting but I'm on my own with crochet so I really appreciate your time.

It would depend on what the pattern says and other things like what you did in this last rnd. Did you join the rnd to do the ch 3? If you join again that will help with the ch 3 staying down . I can't see how to get a ch 3 without joining though. Do you have a pattern or are you winging it?


Check the pattern too. Here's one that doesn't say each rnd but does say to join the rnds at the beginning of the info.



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