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How you hold your hook



I've been crocheting for most of my life so I've been holding my hook the same way for many years and was always very comfortable until recently when I developed neuropathy in my right arm. For a few months, I thought I could never crochet again as it was much too painful but fortunately I've found a slightly different way to hold my hook that is less painful but means that I have to constantly watch what I'm doing and remind myself to do it the 'new' way.

Has anyone else had drastically change the way they crochet and did you manage to get used to it? Also, are those fat handled hooks generally more comfortable to hold or is that a personal thing?

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12 answers to this question

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I don't know about changing the way you hold a hook.. but the susan bates cushion grips helps me a lot! I crochet right handed but about 6 yrs ago, my right thumb was broke pretty bad. It still gives me fits. I also have neuropathy and the cushion grip helps




I've seriously considered teaching myself to crochet left handed. I was born left handed and forced to switch in kindergarten. Never could write neat and the older I get, my right hand seems to be failing me more and more. Writing is a real chore so for the past few months, I've been writing left handed and I must say, it's much more natural and easy to read. lol  

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I didn't realise you could get the fat cushiony handles on their own, that's fantastic! Thank you, I'll give it a go.

There are a few day-to-day tasks that I've learned to do left-handed but I really can't manage the fiddly stuff. I tried typing and it was annoyingly slow, and I tried writing and it was complete gibberish, unless I wrote backwards, for some reason :lol I'm definitely a right-hander!

I'm sorry to hear you were forced into right-handedness when you were very young, the same thing happened to my little brother and it's very cruel. I really hope schools don't do that any more.

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So you're just as comfortable either way Flossiepotts or do you drift back to your natural hold all the time? Being able to switch back and forth would probably really help me but I have to concentrate so hard to keep myself from drifting back to my natural hold. I guess I just need more practice.

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I too use a "knife" hold as some call it. A few years ago I purchased Clover- Amour padded hooks which help immensely, However, they do not come in all sizes, so, I improvise with self sticking surgical tape first, then slip rubbery pencil grips over the tape. Works wonders for painful hands and is cost productive.

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Looks like some sort of cushioning is definitely a sensible thing to do so I've ordered the item sopo linked to and the pencil grips are an excellent idea too. I've already rigged up a temporary bit of padding on the hook I'm using on my current project, using some spongy packing sheet and loads of tape and so far so good...

Thank you so much for your suggestions everyone, you've been so helpful. It means a lot to me to know I may not have to give up crochet after all.

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I feel like I hold mine different than others. I hold mine with the hook part between my thumb and pointer finger, and all fingers on top except my ring finger and thumb and that goes on bottom. I've seen people hold theirs like holding a pencil they would write with, but for me I can't crochet like that.

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I love the spongy type pencil grips and still have them on my older hooks but, have not found them for some time now. Any suggestions where to look? :D


You can also use pencil cushion covers on your crochet hooks as well.

This is what I use on my metal hooks...I get the spongy style vs the plastic it cushions very well

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I feel like I hold mine different than others. I hold mine with the hook part between my thumb and pointer finger, and all fingers on top except my ring finger and thumb and that goes on bottom. I've seen people hold theirs like holding a pencil they would write with, but for me I can't crochet like that.

I think that what you describe is the pencil hold. That is how I hold it too.

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It's interesting how much variation there is, even if there are only 2 main holds, everyone's hands are different anyway. I think I'm sort of a knife holder but since my hand has gone funny, I try to hold somewhere in between that and a pencil hold, to take the pressure off my painful fingers, so I'm holding my work at a slightly different angle too.


The temporary jury-rigged padding has helped a lot though and hopefully the proper hook cushiony handles that I ordered online will arrive soon.


I love the spongy type pencil grips and still have them on my older hooks but, have not found them for some time now. Any suggestions where to look? :D


I found some on Amazon and ordered some of those and some thinner ones that seem similar but actually made for crochet hooks.

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