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Substitute regular yarn for crochet thread?



I found a pattern that I would love to make but it calls for 10 crochet thread but I would like to use another yarn such as worsted weight 4. Is there a way to do this? The pattern as 3 different sizes you can make. I know if I use the thread it will take me forever to make it plus I have all the yarn so I wouldn't have to go buy anything. If I can substitute would I still follow the pattern as far as stitches go and just use the smaller version for the count? Thank you for any help!

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5 answers to this question

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What is the item?  If this is a wearable item, this is not going to work.  It will be a LOT  larger if you make it in worsted weight yarn (some people take little doily patterns and use them to make blankets or area rugs, for example).  It will also have different properties, mercerized crochet thread will make more defined looking  stitches than yarn.  


If this is not a wearable, and you don't care if the piece is 3 times bigger than the pattern measurements, it's the same number of stitches if you are following a pattern with yarn or thread, so should take the same amount of time, theoretically.


Are you familiar with #3 crochet cotton?  If this is not a wearable you might be more comfortable working with that - it is only a little less thick than worsted weight.  Your finished project will still be larger than the pattern however.

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As Granny Square says, if it is a toy or stuffy or even a tote, using yarn or size 3 thread will make the item quite larger.


It is funny, I am usually going the other way.  Taking a yarn project and making it with thread.


You can make doilies with yarn also.


What are you wanting to make?

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Thanks for the replies. The pattern is from red heart, an American flag. Not anything wearable but something that will hang on a wall or something. I will look into the size 3 thread. I just had some red, white & blue yarn that I was looking to do something with & really liked this idea of a wall hanging. All the other patterns I find for flags are afghans but didn't really want something that large. I know the thread will look better for something that is display so I think I will go with the size 3 thread. Thanks again!

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Ah, now I'll have to go looking for that, sounds interesting (thread flag).  I've seen afghan flags but not a thread one.


Must be this.  I think you'll be happier staying with the mercerized cotton-it might hold its shape better than yarn if you are going to hang it ( I think yarn will sag).  You know, all the sizes call for #10 thread doubled.  If you use 1 strand of #3, the sizing might come close to 2 strands of #10. 



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Must be this.  I think you'll be happier staying with the mercerized cotton-it might hold its shape better than yarn if you are going to hang it ( I think yarn will sag). 





I just recently made a wall-hanging and I hung it by working a hdc/ch1 across the top and threaded a wood dowel through the spaces to keep it in shape.  It is working so far.

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