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chemo cap request


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It's been a few weeks since I posted an update on my mom. She has had her 2nd chemo treatment Friday. She was losing her hair very quickly last week so she decided it was easier to shave her head than watch it fall out. It was making her depressed.


All of her blood counts are great. In 3 weeks she will begin radiation.


I have a request. Does anyone make this pattern? The dark blue turban style cap in the center.



My mom found something similar at a rummage sale, but it has pointed things in the back and they stand up like ears! We don't like that look. This pattern has a rounded top therefore it doesn't point outward. I have crocheted her 2 chemo caps, but she said that her head gets hot in those and she likes the light weight cotton on her head better.


Does anyone have this pattern or something similar and would be willing to make my mom a couple? Let me know what the cost would be. Perhaps we can make arrangements. Please email me. t.kahler@mchsi.com



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I'm sorry, I wouldn't know the first thing about making one of those head huggers. Just wanted to say God Belss to your mom. Sounds like she is doing well. My friend is going through chemo right now for breast cancer. Her hair began to come out around the 3 week of the first treatment, so she too, like your mom, just shaved it off. She has a wig that she wears out and it looks beautiful on her. For just running to the store or something like that she just puts on a baseball cap and she looks cute in that too.


Hope radiation goes well. Prayers to you and your mom.



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Yarnlover, I don't sew much anymore, but I found the knitted "No Hair Day" hat on the headhuggers site and have made about 20 of them in the last year. My mom finished her chemo in July and said they were the most comfortable hats she had. And every time she wore one out in public someone complimented her on them, and she came home with an order for me to make at least one for someone else. I made a white one for someone and it turned out that the woman was teeny-tiny and the hat was a smidge big. I would be happy to give it to you for your mom if you think she might be interested.


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