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Help with next step



I am returning to crochet after abreak of 20+ yrs; a lot of it has come back to me, even reading basic patterns, but the baby bonnet I am 2/3 of the way through has me stumped!


I have crocheted the basic bonnet & am now adding the frill detail on the top, right to left. The crown of the bonnet is basically a circle with the last round made up of a cluster, 6 trs, cluster, 6 trs, cluster, etc. The main top section is 8 rows of hftr, 2 ch, hftr repeated so for want of a better description, it looks like the squares on an excel spreadsheet! To add the frill, I have joined the yarn to 1st horizontal bar 2nd row from crown, worked 4 dtr, then 4 dtr on the first bar directly behind it, 4 dtr on 2nd horizontal bar next to it, 4dtr on first behind it etc so basically 2nd bar then 1st bar then move to next bars on the left (2nd bar, 1st bar) all the way to the last column working 2nd bar then first bar.


Then comes the confusing bit! I have to do a cluster but I don't know where to do it! The photo on the pattern is not clear & I am confused by the pattern wording. It reads:


Rejoin yarn to 1st vertical bar with ss, cluster round first bar, 1dc round next bar, * cluster round next cluster of prevous row, 1dc round next bar, rep from * to end. Fasten off.


But I don't have a cluster on the previous row, the only clusters I have previously made are on the crown section separated by 6 trs and I can't make cluster, 1 dc, cluster fit in with that.


Am I being totally dumb and is it glaringly obvious where these new clusters go? lol It's totally confused me. Any help you can give will be appreciated :lol

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We would love to help you. However, it's copyright infringement to post a pattern here without permission of the copyright holder, so I've had to remove the scanned images of this pattern. Thanks for understanding!

You're welcome to post a link to the pattern on the Sirdar website.

You can also post the one line of instructions you're having trouble with, and the row just before if it's needed.

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Thanks for the kind words that's nice to know. I updated the directions and finished the two rows. It looks much better than the picture though and is very pretty.


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Well I did a swatch and surprising it worked. It is tricky to understand so I can see why you had a problem.

You hold the hat with the crown towards you the way it was done and ss in the first ch 2 sp of the second row of the main part, and do the frill with the tr's in the first sp of row 2 then tr's in sp of row 1 behind etc.


For the clusters you attatch to the first bar in the first row of the main part in front of the tr's of the frill, and do a cluster, then do a dc in the next bar in front of the tr's  on the same row, then do a cluster in that same place around the bar, then do a cluster in the cluster of the last row of the crown which is right behind the row your working from, then in the next bar  in front of the tr's do the dc and a cluster, dc in next bar do a cluster there too, then do a cluster around the cluster in the crown and so on. the cluster of the crown row etc.


Will have pictures in a bit.    Is this a British pattern as it seems so?    


Edited Mon morn sept 23  


WELL,  I am so sorry but I  have to say I just realized that these instructions are incomplete, I left a part out and am working on that now. I think I am better at doing than writing. I am so sorry if this caused any one any trouble.


Edited changed directions hope they work.




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>>>cluster round first bar, 1dc round next bar, * cluster round next cluster of prevous row, 1dc round next bar, rep from * to end

The way I read it you will have clusters to work in. You are working only one or two rows from where the crown ended over the top of the hat, but I would have to do it to be sure which way it is done. For the frill it says hold the hat with the front facing you but It doesn't say for the next part.  I don't think you worry about the tr's between the clusters as you do the cluster around one bar and the dc round the next  bar in the one main row, then go to the cluster in the crown row then back to the starting row for the  dc, then to the cluster in the crown row, then back to the main row for the  etc.

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since you said there were no clusters to work into where the pattern indicated, it's possible that there is actually an error in the pattern.  You might try looking on the website of the company that put out the pattern and see if they have any errata listed for the pattern.  However if it is an older pattern you might not find any.  I guess you could try contacting the publisher by emai or phone their customer service dept.  I've been surprised what some companies are able to pull from their archives to help people with old patterns.


On the other hand I would probably just wing it and make a ruffle that I think looks good, not matter what the pattern was trying to say! lol  ;)

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So sorry for the delay in posting, I have scanned the pattern here. I am doing the bonnet at the very bottom of the picture, white with 3 pink frills across the top (shown as number 1 in the small pic on page 2). The picture is not very clear and I just can't grasp where the clusters go after the first frill is in place - the cluster part I am up to is the very last instruction on page 2; I have completed everything to the bottom of the "Frill" paragraph but don't know where to start with the cluster.



If anyone can help me undestand where the clusters go, I would be grateful. If not, I may just continue with 2 more frills towards the front of the bonnet

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Now, I am thinking that the first vertical or upright part of the grid is behind the frill, so I think that you are now filling in the space between the crown and the frill. The cluster in the row below is the next cluster on the crown.

Do you think that maybe you could have done the grid in the wrong position on the crown. 

Is the what you call the  crown, the back of the bonnet?

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If I am reading it correctly, you have done one row of wriggly frills, taking up two bars of the grid. It looks to me like you have to do the cluster around the vertical part of the grid, back where you started the frill. On round one of the grid. Then you have to do a dc around the next upright part of the grid and then a cluster into the next cluster back on the crown on the crown (one row below).

Although, in my minds eye, the frill would prevent you from getting there.

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You said you are about 2/3 done... does that mean the hat part is done and now you are just waiting to add the brim? I've made quite a few baby things, and find I usually end up dropping the pattern by the time I get to the brim and just finish it off on my own. No matter how a pattern is written, seems explaining that brim is never easy to figure out, I just do it so it looks "nice".


If that's all you need to do, I wouldn't worry too much about following the pattern exactly and just try to fudge it the best you can. I would just follow along in the working pattern stitches the best you can, no one will ever know the difference.


Again... I'm still offering to help, if you give me the name of the pattern or a link.

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Can you give us the name of the pattern? is it online? I'd be willing to work a few previous rows to see if I can help you muddle thru, :bang  if you have a link.... I know how frustrating it is to be stuck, so I'll help and I'm sure there are several others here that will, too.


If you don't have a link, maybe someone has the pattern and will you a hand.

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