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learning granny square/crochet in the round

Kelly Peron


Hi everyone,


I am new here and love to crochet been doing it about a year.. Right now, I can only do sc/hdc and dc in straight lines. I would love to learn how to do a granny square, but I can't seem to get it right no matter what I do. I have tried several tutorials, but I just can't get it. Is there anyone that can help?


I also have problems crocheting in the round. I would love to do more items than the standard washcloth, pot holder, scarf etc...any suggestions?




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Another mistake that beginners make is making a complete block of 3dc 2ch, 3dc, in the first space. When they get back around to it, they cannot start in the middle.

Just do 3ch, 2dc into the first space and when you get right back around to it, 3dc 2ch and join the 2ch to the top of the starting 3chain. Then you are in the middle space again for the next round.

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Yep, if you can post a picture that will help us figure out where the trouble is. Your camera should (hopefully) have a setting with a flower on it - use that setting, and it will be ni "macro mode" to get a good, clear, close-up picture. 

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Once you get the hang of a granny, it will be easy. For years I could NOT make a granny square. My aunt showed me, diagrammed it for me and I still couldn't do it. A few years ago, I sat down with a pattern and lo and behold I made my first ever granny square!! Look at the tutorials posted here and stick with it. Then let us know when you have done it!!

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That is a fantastic tutorial, I especially how they put the symbol crochet diagram next to each step. 


I find that a common newbie mistake is making the wrong number of 'shells' (groups of 3 DC(US) in the center, then it can't end up a square.  Sometimes I think all the words in the instructions get in the way of visualizing what you are trying to make.


The illustration after the instructions in step 4 show that the center should be 4 blocks, arranged north, east, south and west, like a + sign, around a center hole.  They are connected with loops at each corner, the overall impression is a + sign inside a square.


What you will be doing from now on is making a corner in each corner, the process of which adds 1 more block to each side of the square.  I think if you try to visualize it this way it will help.  It might help if you put the stitch marker in the center of each corner to start with, until the pattern becomes more familiar.  Another spot to put a marker would be last chain of the initial chain 3 of the rowund, as this is where you will join (close the round and start the next).


Good luck, and hang in there!

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A friend just pointed me in the direction of this tutorial: http://rensfibreart.wordpress.com/2patterns-2/the-humble-granny-square/


It's the most thorough Granny Square tutorial I have ever seen in my life, the illustrations are a work of art!

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I too taught myself the granny square, very first reason I started to crochet, so I could learn to do one, lol I had a touch of trouble at first, but figured it out rather quickly, back in the day before you tube,and tutorials, i might add, lol Once down, the basic granny is a breeze, you are probably a visual learner, if you want to come to nebraska, Ill teach ya within an hour! lol I have taught crochet to friends,and groups before, and i always start them off with a granny square, as it is relatively a quick project, that forms quickly into something you can be proud of,.. Keep at it, keep trying, it'll dawn on you! The tutorials are quite handy and very well made, so watch closely, you'll get it.   When you do, come and join the granny square thread listed below, lol we'll give you plenty of practice!

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Here's quite a nice little tutorial for a single colour classic Granny Square, it also has a video which I always find a great help. http://freecrochetvideos.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/classic-granny-square-in-one-color.html

With this type of square, I don't find markers much help because the stitches are in groups so it helps you remember where you are in the pattern. I find as long as you have the right number of chains between the groups of double crochets, you end up with a fairly nice shaped square because as you work into the chain space (not the chain stitches themselves) it stretches out rounds into a more square shape, if that makes any sense.

If you can upload a couple of photos, I might get a better idea of where you're getting stuck.

Hope that helps.

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I actually learned to make granny squares a long time before I learned anything else, I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't the only one. It meant that when I came to working in straight rows, I took a while to get the hang of it, so I kind of know how you feel.

What part of it are you finding difficult?

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