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Rebuilding foundation chain after tearing out from the bottom



I must tear out a baby afghan from the bottom due to the design (unless i want the afghan to be extremely long).  I don't know how to rebuild the foundation chain once I tear it out.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  My skill level is fairly advanced, so I'm not afraid to try what i need to do to save this blanket.  (just a little note, all the stitches are double crochets, but form a peak to follow the chevron pattern).  Thank you, in advance!!

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6 answers to this question

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Welcome,  and good luck with this project. When I first read your request for help a few hours ago, I was hoping someone would give you some tips. looks like that link is just what you need.


Be sure to let us know if this works and how easy or hard it is.... My hands would be shaking just about at that first snip of the scissors but it's better than tearing the whole thing out, I guess.

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I did that once.  I'll never do it again.  It's a royal pain.


You have to pick out each stitch because you're doing it backwards.  The easiest way to do it is to cut the fabric below where you want it to end.  Run a piece of string through each and every stitch as you remove the row below so that you can keep them straight. 


Then you have to go back in and sc or sl through the legs of each stitch to secure them.


It's too tedious for me.


Is there some way that you can save what you've done and applique or doodad the bottom part?

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Interesting tutorial.  I suggest making a practice swatch and giving it a go before snipping you blanket, though.  My steeking swatch did not go well (cutting your knitting on purpose). Although I think I figured out what I did wrong at the time,  I've been afraid to try it again.


edit - that crochet tutorial worked GREAT.  The new bottom of the piece is a little thicker than before, but doesn't look bad at all.  BTW, the photos are showing left handed;  basically you are slip stitching the bottom loops of the DCs together to secure them.

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i took your suggestion, Granny $quare, and made a practice search.  well, it WORKED!!  Tomorrow i willl give it a shot on my baby afghan.  fingers crossed, prayers said...wish Me luck!  Thank  you for the tutorial, magiccrochetfan!

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