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YIkes (pics added)

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Just thought I'd share--I was showing of f my half-finished blanket today to my sister in law....and held it up....and realized my blanket was strething from the wieght of it! :eek I now have to stand on my tip toes and hold my blanket high over my head....and there's still like 2 feet on the floor.....and i'm 5'11"....so lets pray that i have enough yarn to finish this beast! They don't make the color anymore nad I bought the last 12 skeins I could find. *L* I'd hate to have to frog the whole thing and start over with less stitches. Ay yi yi:sweat



Alright--this blanket currently is 93"






This is how much yarn I have left--but the brocade can't be found anymore



If i Double the width of what it is now--it'll be 93x62 (8+ feet by like 5+ feet)....is that the right dimensions? should I add more width? or should I cut my losses, frog it, and start over. I'm really thinking i dont have enough...and dont want to spend another month of my time to realize I was right....but then I could have enough to make it as wide as it needs to be...

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Oh man, I hope it all works out. It would be terrible if you get really far into it and have to start over. But if everything goes well, I'm sure it'll be a great blanket! What do you plan to do about the stretching?

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No joke! I'd cry too if I had to frog it.



As far as what I intend to do about the stretching...nothing- just keep going with it! I think I have enough uarn to finish it.....i just cant force myself to pull it out at this stage. granted, it will be much more painful if I wait.... but i only intended to make the blanket 6' long.

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I love it - I am a huge fan of gigantic, cuddly blankets like that! I hope you have enough yarn to finish it!


oh and I must add - your kitty is so cute! :)

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