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63 Wannabe Club


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Guess what ? I sat on Santa's lap today

He said , You've been eating too much gravy, JulieKay


Then when he 'd adjusted to the extra weight

He said I guess this is just fate


I wanted to be jolly and say HoHoHo

But now all I can think is OH NO


Cookies ,puddings, pies and cakes,

Come on lady, give me a break !


I thought I'd only have little kids on my lap

Not someone who could be a Quarterback .


When he stopped moaning he asked me what I had on my list

( I had it all wadded in my tight little fist )


I unfolded it then proceeded to say

All I want are a few things for my hobby... crochet


I'd like some new hooks and new pattern books

I'd like yarn in every color and hue

In baby, sport weight and worsted , too .


I'd like a big bag to carry it all in ----

Are you using THAT one ,as I pointed behind him ?


To make a long story short

Santa promised me a lot

But I think he just wanted me out of that spot !


I heard him exclaim as I walked away :

Rudolph ,if you expect any more hay


Ring your bell when you see another lady that's had too much cake

And THAT's when I will be taking my BREAK !!!

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Hi Hobby ! :waving

( Could I ask what your name is ? I always lile to call people by their real name, that way we get to know each other a little better and sounds more personal )

You can just call me Julie, by the way . I just used the Kay since there are several other Julies on board, so we wont get each other mixed up .

Anyhow, it'll be great to have you join up ! I believe there are several others out there who plan on jumping back in here after the holidays and getting in on this again .

What colors are you choosing, have you decided yet ?

Drop in and post as often as you want -- I LIKE busy boards ! Makes it more fun !

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Hi Lisa and welcome to the forum,we are glad to here there's more people entering here.:clap It's ben a little while I haven't ben around but I was going fast on this 63:knit ,it's hubby's christmas present ,well i just finnished makeing the sq's and it's christmas eve,so I will have to give it to him on New Year's eve :lol lol.It doesen't matter for him as long as I give it to him lol.Hey you know blue will go perfect with that rose ,it sounds good.God bless all.:hug :hug :yay and welcome again

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Hi Julie ~ my name's Erin. I have picked out colors..... I decided to use the colors on a gift bag I have with roses on it... the bag background is white, the roses are mostly red with some orange and yellow ones, so I'm going to use white as the main color, with red and pink next, and then maybe a bit of orange and yellow here and there. I will have to hold everything up together in the yarn aisle first and see how it looks! I know I want something bright and cheerful. :rose

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Hi JulieKay ! Haven't ben here for a couple days ,ben very busy :knit have to get this thing done by christmas ,well it's christmas but I got only the sq's done now it's sat and I'm cleaning them up to put them together .but it will have to be giving to him on New Years eve :lol :lol :lol wasen't fast enough.But he know's I :hug him and that it is his so.Hey can you tell me how to do the blocking? do I have to put the sq on the ironing board and put the iron on as close as posible and then streach ,or do i put the iron standing and pull on the sq evenly un til i get the size i need?God bless you all :hug :hug :hug:shop:wlol:wangel:mug going to get some to start my day so I'll see you all and God bless Happy christmas and get all you have asked for :santa:stocking:gift :fruitcake :sheepxmas

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Hi Erin

Your colors sound beautiful ! Can't wait to see some of your squares done and see the colors together . I'm so glad you are joining us .:)


Julia -;)

Hi, long time, no see ! I'm glad you got all your squares done, now you have the easy part . If you read in the front page of your book, it will give you directions on blocking the squares that you think might need it . I've never done blocking myself . Most of them will probably go together just fine ,so don't worry about blockingthem all, only maybe the ones that are kinda weird-shaped . I usually would just add or subtract a row of edging to get mine all the same size .

Can't wait to see your finished afghan !

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Hi Ladies!


Julie - I still don't know what grade I got for the class. But I'm glad I took it, learned a lot.

Erin - Welcome!!! :yay Hope you have lots of fun doing this!

Progress - Finished Sq 14 last night! :clap (For some reason my Sq 13 looks deformed... like a slice of bread, puffy on the top. Weird! :think Pictures coming soon)


Happy Holidays!!! :smiling

Felices Fiestas!!! :ctree

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Hi Erin, glad to have you with us! :waving Your colors sound beautiful. It's always interesting to hear where people find insiration for colors. I guess, everyhere around us there are colors already matched and put together, you just have to look around to see them. :)


Hi Julia, sound like you're going great guns on your 'ghan. I'm sure dh will love it! You go, girl! :cowgirl


Eliany, some of my squares came out kind of wonky no matter how much I pulled and stretched. When I sewed them altogether everything came into shape nicely. I can't wait to see pics. :)


Hi, Julie!!:hug

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Hello gang !


Glad to see you on here on this bright Christmas Eve morning ! It is pretty here today-- sunny and blue skies and not too bad cold, maybe 40 something .


Eliany- We'll be watching for your updated squares -- like Sue said, they'll all come together fine, you'll see ! PS- I like your SMILING Santa --- that's about how I've been lately, but glad it's finally here and we can get the ball rolling now .


Hi Sue -:manyheart

It's my John Deere Wannabee Buddy ! Need any paddy green yarn ? We'll be having St Patrick's Day in a couple months -- I think you should make a paddy green afghan in honor of the holiday . I can load up on some of that color and ship it to you . How many ounces do you need ... should 120 do it ?

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LOL!! :lol Now that I know what a buckeye is, I would proudly wear that John Deere hat!! I really missed my opportunity here and coulda made this 'ghan in that paddy green and bright yellow!! Perhaps even a matching pillow with the J. Deere logo on it. Ahhh, the possibilities!

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:lol :lol I'm sitting here picturing a paddy green and bright yellow afghan, when it hits me...THOSE ARE MY HIGH SCHOOL COLORS !!!!


Yup, green and gold as we called it! Everyone had a green and yellow striped scarf a la Harry Potter. Every year I had a green and yellow uniform for the field hockey team!! We had green and yellow coming out of our ears!!


You know, a green and yellow Granny's flower garden 'ghan may not be a bad idea! I would cover a couple of bases with that color combo!! ;)

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Pretty funny, Sue !

Our high school colors are red and black . It sounds like you guys have the Green Bay Packers colors .

Well, just a thought... It seems a little different color scheme than you usually go with, but it'd certainly be UNUSUAL !!!

Maybe you could make the afghan ,then redecorate a room in your house AROUND that color scheme ... Get some putt-putt carpet for the floor ..... Hmmm , how about some great big gawdy sunflowers painted all over the walls.

You would be the talk of the neighborhood !!!

Desperate Housewives Gone Color Blind !!!!

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Hey que paso?? I told you how to do the blocking, don't you remember....lol....but since I haven't seen you here I didn't even now you had finished your squares.But I'm glad you did. I'm doing the cross stitch on the one i'm making now and i'm kinda not liking this.....it was more fun making the big ole sc blanket....:lol Merry Christmas y muchas felicidades!!:santa:ctree




Hi JulieKay ! Haven't ben here for a couple days ,ben very busy :knit have to get this thing done by christmas ,well it's christmas but I got only the sq's done now it's sat and I'm cleaning them up to put them together .but it will have to be giving to him on New Years eve :lol :lol :lol wasen't fast enough.But he know's I :hug him and that it is his so.Hey can you tell me how to do the blocking? do I have to put the sq on the ironing board and put the iron on as close as posible and then streach ,or do i put the iron standing and pull on the sq evenly un til i get the size i need?God bless you all :hug :hug :hug:shop:wlol:wangel:mug going to get some to start my day so I'll see you all and God bless Happy christmas and get all you have asked for :santa:stocking:gift :fruitcake :sheepxmas
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Hi there pb&j...Your afghan turned out absolutely GORGEOUS! You did a fantastic job.


I know everyone is busy with Christmas/holiday traveling, family and all but I want to encourage everyone that's still working on this 'ghan to keep going! Look at the lovely end result!! It's easy to put it down but just do a square this week and pick it up again after New Year's! I know I had a hard time finishing when I got to the end, many projects where calling loudly at the time but all the encouragement I got here at C'ville kept me focused and I'm soooo glad I got it done! Now I have a beautiful 'ghan for my living room and so can you. :)


Happy Holidays everyone!!:ctree:wreath:sheepxmas

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It's so nice to see that there are still some of you here ...well I mean you haven't dropped out....anyone here feeling like pushing your squares aside and not work on it no more...just take a look at PB&J's and I assure you you will pick up your yarn and hooks and finish the 63sq sucker! She did a beautiful job and it encoureages anyone to continue...keep it up girls...I finished mine but I am here :cheer ing you on!!GO !:hook GO GO !!

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~ A Notice from your Local Fruitcake :fruitcake


Just a wish for everyone here to have an enjoyable day today- whether you celebrate Christmas , Hannukah, Kwaanza, or any other holiday that I don't know about !


Have a wonderful day. In fact , enjoy every day to the fullest .

If there's something that needs said - SAY IT .

If there's something that needs done- DO IT .

If you've had hard feelings with someone, apoligize .



Not to sound morbid, but we all only have a certain number of days here .My motto is DIE WITH A CLEAN SLATE .


Not to get anyone riled up . I know there have been comments in other areas lately that have stirred up a few hornets , but I only want to share a short story with you all .



This past week, my uncle died .He wasn't extremely old, but had lived a fairly long life and has been VERY ill for the past few years. Everyone knew he only had a short time to live. I'm not on here to ask for any sympathy comments or ANYTHING like that .

I'm only bringing this up for one reason :

I went to order flowers for his funeral . It hit me all at once :

I don't know his favorite color .

I don't know his favorite food.

I don't know what he liked to watch on TV .

I really didn't know him at all well personally , but yet he lived less than 20 miles from me .


I guess I'm telling you all this little story for ONE REASON -- not to bring you down on the holiday -but to bring you UP .

Don't let someone in your family GO , without taking time to learn more about them . ENJOY the people in your life . We all have our little quirks . We all have people that are hard to get along with, but I TRULY believe that EVERYONE has some good in them somewhere. EVERYONE has a talent. EVERYONE has an interesting story to tell .

Take the time to LISTEN .:remember

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Hello Juliekay :clap I already finnished my sq's and going on the 3rd row putting it together :lol ,and you know what ?I did just that added to the small one;s :lol :lol and it's turning out very kool and easy,:lol so by today hopefully I will have it done and take that grand picture.:gallery then I have to get that photobucket to post it or send it to you by email .if I have to do that please post it so that the world can see it ,:lol lol that's how proud I am to have it so close to finnishing it:cheer :cheer :cheer , boy it is a jornal but you know what ? I am already buying the yarn for my next 2 one's.I loved :hug :hug working this one out and to almost finnish it already:hug :ctree :ctree :wreath:gift:sheepxmas .well got to let you go for now ,I got to finnish this today .anches to see this done my hands are chimming to finnish lol lollol.

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Hey que paso?? I told you how to do the blocking, don't you remember....lol....but since I haven't seen you here I didn't even now you had finished your squares.But I'm glad you did. I'm doing the cross stitch on the one i'm making now and i'm kinda not liking this.....it was more fun making the big ole sc blanket....:lol Merry Christmas y muchas felicidades!!:santa:ctree
:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Hey this was a day that i didn't find you around so I just asked juliekay to see if she could help me at the moment but I already figured it out and it's turning out very pretty ,I want to start 2 more and fast.lol wait till you see the colors .blue is one but not the blue that I always use it's a more cheerful blue i love it .pj is helping me buy the yarn lol.I already brought the camara to take the picture to scan it to you as soon as i finnish and I develope itwhitch is going to be immediatly.Hey how was your :wreath:ctree:sheepxmas I hope good
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Hey que paso?? I told you how to do the blocking, don't you remember....lol....but since I haven't seen you here I didn't even now you had finished your squares.But I'm glad you did. I'm doing the cross stitch on the one i'm making now and i'm kinda not liking this.....it was more fun making the big ole sc blanket....:lol Merry Christmas y muchas felicidades!!:santa:ctree
:cheer:think :think Hey I've seen you on but didn't click you waiting to see if you did but when I came to see you logged out I didn't want to disturb you if you where doing something important.:D
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Hey I'm very sorry but that is very true life is to short to be mad at someone,what ever, you have to let God take care of thethings for you and be happy.live at the most.:):hug :hug :hug with alot of this:hug love,peace and hope.

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I am so excited I could BUST waiting for you to finish up your afghan . I will definitely figure out a way to show the photo if you can email it to me ! I know everyone on here will want to see it .

That is great that you are so enthused to do another one already !

Are you up for another Crochetalong project ?

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Hi Eliany :hi ,you make me:haha because you say that your sq look wierd and crucked how ever you spell it lol.well keep on going, because mine are very wierd but thank God I finnished making them and now I'm putting them together and there coming out very nice:cheer :cheer :cheer without having to block them, so keep on going so that we can be :cheer :cheer :cheer you after these girls cheer me lol.I'll be more than glad to cheer you up .:hug:lol :lol :lol

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