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63 Wannabe Club


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I have not introduced myself yet but will in the next email. A lot of you are trying to get the correct gauge so your squares will be a certain size. For me, it is a gauge to use. I love crocheting with an 'I' hook and only use an H or G hook when making dishcloths or potholders.


I always go off on my own thing. I'll be using an I crochet hook and I really won't pay attention to the size of the squares except in the amount of yarn needed. I'll probably make my first ghan in aran or off white. I will most likely use the Caron one pounder yarn and in the off white. I can use my 40% off one item at Michael's. It will take me a white to get the yarn but it will be a lot less expensive for me.


I thought I knew where my book was. I do know I have 2 of them. Will start making a few of the squares once I find the book.


Carolanne in Reno, NV

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Hi Everyone,


My name is Carolanne and I am a widow living in Reno, NV and also the care giver for my 83YO Mother. I love having her live with me. Both my mother and grandmother taught me to crochet and knit when I was a younster. All of our clothes were hand made. I loved wearing the clothes they made for my sister and I. However I never did any more crocheting or knitting until I was 29YO. I was in my second marriage and I wanted to have some lovely doilies for my home. My hubby loved seeing them. My grandparents, aunts, and great grandparents always had beautiful doilies on the tables.


I have one 42Yo daughter who has 2 wonderful children. Her daughter is in the 5th grade and her son is in the 8th grade. My daughter Kim married a wonderful man a year ago this past Sept 11th. He is so good to all of them. He so reminds me of my husband. Kim thinks so too.


My husband and I were married in Sept 1969 and he succombed to cancer in Dec 2000 which was not long after we moved to Reno. We were soul mates and I miss him a lot. We would have been married 36 year and in fact I am still counting the years. He has 3 married children and since he died they no longer seem to think of me as family. I still have my daughter and her family. Now sure what I would have done if I did not have her when my husband was so sick. She was there every step of the way with us.


I do a lot of crocheting and a lot of it is for charity. In fact that takes up most of my time. However, I want to start making some things for my home and for my family. I have 3 afghans waiting to be assembled that Mother and I have made 12" granny squares for. I have an afghan on circular knitting needles to finish. I have 2 pairs of socks on needles to complete. And I also have 2 doilies in process and also squares to make table runners and also for my end tables in the living room. Now as you can tell sleeping gets in my way. LOL


A year ago I found out I would be going through treatment for Hodgekins Lymphoma cancer. The chemo ended May 9th and the radiation ended August of this year. I have been going through my first 3 month testing and so far I am cancer free. What a year this has been but I am so thankful I am still here. MOther and I are going to go to one of the casinos here in town this year for New Years' Eve. She is getting up there in age and I really want to do this for both of us. We'll go for clam chowder for dinner at the coffee shop. Then we'll go watch one of the bands and watch the people dance. Mother is all smiles when I take her over there.


Oh well, sorry this is so long.


Back to crocheting and looking for my 63 squares booklet.



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Hi CarolAnne


It is so nice to meet a new person in here ! It sounds like you have a very busy and full life and you are very active . That is so kind of you to care for your mom, too. A lot of people don't do that any longer. I'm sorry to hear of your illness, but I believe they are making great strides in certain cancers, and I believe that is one of them . I will be thinking of you each day as you are dealing with it and hope you fight hard to beat it .


Wow, you make my crocheting sound like nothing. I must be the weirdo on the block -- all you ladies have so many items going at once, and I only manage to do one at a time . I'm kinda like that with everything in my life, though, I like to put all my time into one thing , then move on to the next .


It sounds like you were blessed with many years with a good husband and also now have a wonderful daughter and grandchildren .I'm glad you still have your mom too !


It is nice of you to work on so many charity items, but yes, I think you deserve to make something for yourself once in awhile. Is that what THIS afghan will be for ?

I only have one suggestion on your gauge . I didn't stress it a lot on everyone to have the squares all the PERFECT size , but it does help when putting it together to have them as close as possible to the same size . I used the same size hook for all mine, but on some, I only put one row of edging and on others, I put 3 if they turned out too small. It seemed to fit together just fine doing it this way.


Anyhow, welcome aboard ! Keep in touch and let us know how you're coming with your squares ! :manyheart

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;) Hey it seems that you are going threw some bad time's but always remember that at the end of the road there is light, .You are a tuff woman with all that's going around you and you are still here and now with us,welcome and get them hands doing something for you so that you can cuddle up and say hey this I made for me ,how proud am I,I am almost finnish with mine and can't wait to finnish to say that,but I think that hubby is the owner instead ,he deserves it anyway so it's all his,I'll make another one and that one is mine lol lol.welcome and God bless you all and remember God is big and does everything good.There is a reason for everything.!
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Hi Lisa

Welcome !

You can certaily join us if you'd like to ! This is an ongoing project, with new people coming in at different times, so we'd love to have you join in . Yes, it definitely does help you learn some new stitches !

What colors are you thinking of making it in ?

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Hello ladies

I have noticed that our poor 63 groups have been slipping further down on the list of crochetalongs.. we can't have that now, can we ?

Are there any of you left out there who are still working on this ? If so, let's do some posting in here and bring this back up to the forefront ... Don't want anyone getting discouraged because of lack of participation on the boards !!!


Let's try to get some kind of idea how many are actually left working on this , or if the people who were working on it have all now completed it, or if the rest of you that signed up for it have given up on it .

If so, we can go ahead and let this thread slide further down on the list . Just trying to see if we have people out there who are actively working on this yet ?


Same message will appear in the 63 thread --

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Hello Julie!!! :hug


It's been a long time but I'm still here :blush. I've been very busy with my own stuff and helping the hubster with lesson planning and all that jazz. Every now and then I crochet a little... I just finished Sq 12 and posted pictures for previous squares in the album (see link). You can see the evil Sq 11... I don't like it much.


Sooooo, yes, I'm still working on it and I plan to finish it... someday!!! :lol


Take care!


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Hi Eliany !


Great to see you ! Yep, it sounds like you are having a busy time right now . I don't blame you for not liking 11-- I didn't either -- UGLY . ( Not your crocheting, just the pattern for it )


Keep up the good work and try to get another square done here and there when you have the time !

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Hi! Well, I'm done with the 'ghan as you probably already know so I may just check in here every now and then to cheer friends along....


Nice job on your squares, Eliany!! Even #11 looks terrific even though you don't like it. I didn't like mine either, too curly, I like flat! However, once edged and then when the 'ghan gets joined, that #11 will behave! Good luck with all your schooling!! :)

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Thanks Sue :hug! I noticed the curling of Sq 11 and you're right... after edging it lays flat, well sort of. My problem with the sq wasn't the rows, it was more the turns... they're kind of messy!


Off to work!


~Eliany :compute

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Hi Tandi -

Great to see you still in the race ! I know everyone is busy this time of year, so I don't want to put any pressure on anyone. I was just curious as to how many were still working on it . As long as we have anyone out there who is doing it, then I'll be out here to help you all .

That's nice that you have a co-worker doing it with you ... that would make it fun to see each other's progress in person !


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I don't want this thread to die yet! So I'm going to keep posting my progress. Last night I finished Sq 13! :yay Still a long way to go but it was kind of a reward for me to make it. I allowed myself to crochet a little because I already finished a presentation that I have for Thursday. For that same day I have to hand in an exam and a paper. If I finish the paper and/or exam today I'll be able to crochet more!


Off to work... to finish exam and paper as soon as possible!


~Eliany :hook

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I know everyone is busy with Christmas/holiday traveling, family and all but I want to encourage everyone that's still working on this 'ghan to keep going! Look at the lovely end result!! It's easy to put it down but just do a square this week and pick it up again after New Year's! I know I had a hard time finishing when I got to the end, many projects where calling loudly at the time but all the encouragement I got here at C'ville kept me focused and I'm soooo glad I got it done! Now I have a beautiful 'ghan for my living room and so can you. :)


Happy Holidays everyone!!:ctree:wreath:sheepxmas

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Julie!!! :hug You're back! :yay


Sue... Looking at your afghan is a real inspiration! :c9 I'm going to print out that picture and do what people do when trying to lose weight and want to get into one of those stringy bikinis :lol. I'm gonna put it on the fridge door and by my crochet little mess (to remind myself of working on mine)!


I'm glad to announce that the semester is officially over! :yay I handed in my paper and exam and gave my presentation. All went pretty well. That means that I can crochet again during the afternoons and not feel bad because I should be studying instead! I can't wait to go home and do some squares!!! :hook

But now, back to work! :compute

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Sue -

Thank you for showing your afghan again -- that will surely get some interest going when people see what a beautiful creation they could make !


I liked Eliany's comment about putting it up in her house to give her some initiative ! Good idea, Eliany !

Did you find out what grade you got on your big project yet or not ?

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Woo Hoo!!:woo Way to go, Eliany! You rock! :2rock Congrats on completing another semester!


I LOVE your picture idea!! It must be one of the 7 habits of highly effective people! I'm the yellow stickie queen, perhaps I outta get some pics tacked around the house!


Anyway, enjoy a well deserved break! :)

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