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63 Wannabe Club


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I have almost another row done and by tonight that should be done and sewn in to place!!! That means one more row!!!!! Then I think I will head on over to the 35 sq and try that cal!!!


I do have a question!!!

Can anyone start a CAL or do you have to be someone special?

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Jimmie Lu, as far as I know anyone can start a CAL. And, as far as I know everyone is special. ;)


I'm sure Julie would know more about CAL guidelines.


GUESS WHAT???? I finished!!!! Although I had many distractions, I dedicated time to finishing! It's true, the edging goes on quickly and looks very nice. This 'ghan will stay in my livingroom this winter for cozy evenings with the tv and a crochet hook. This 'ghan will always be special to me cuz it was so much fun to work on with all of you! :hug I will work on getting a pic posted at my photo album. Check back later this morning! :)


Update: a pic is posted on my photo album and on blog!

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Hi Jimmie


As far as I know, you don't have to be anyone special to start a crochetalong-- I guess it'd be best to send a note to one of the administrators to check with them first though .


We'd be glad to have you join us over at the 35 once you're done with your 63, which sounds like it won't be long !

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Hi! julie It's JulieV(angels776) :lol you know I was reading your post and it's so funny you are a poet and don't know it?:lol lol I love your poems.I read a couple of them and there good one's.irikel2 like's them too.they really put anyone up:cheer :cheer :cheer lol.

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Hey Julie !


It's Julie here -- this could get confusing , couldn't it ? At least WE know who we are, don't we ? That's why I chose Juliekay for my name on here, there were already a couple other Julies on here and I didn't want to get us all mixed up . Kay is my middle name. Maybe I should have just picked Kay as my screen name -- I don't think I've seen any other Kays on here yet .

Glad you like the poems.. I just fool around sometimes and try to come up with some little thing ,just to keep some action going in here .

As I always say, a quiet board is a dull board ... BORING .

People tend to get discouraged I think if they post something and don't get an answer back for days, or maybe not at all . That's why I try to come in here and post to you all every time I see a new message . ALL of your messages are important . If you take the time to post them, then I can take the time to answer them .

I need to come up with a new funny story -- I guess I'll do some thinking on that for awhile til something hits me . Don't want things to get too dull in here .

Hope you have a nice rest of the weekend !

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Hi Juliekay I'm still here a big miracle :lol but if I'd only known that ,I would have picked angels776 alone but I thought that I would have ben know by angels776 not julie, but if for some time who ever referse to me they can do so by julieV or angels776, and like that we will be knowing who to refer to I hope.:lol now is there anyway that I can put it to look like julieV or angels776 alone?:( please tell me and I will change it to know it's me ,not that i have nothing againest julie's lol.:lol I think that's why I didn't answer to anyone to0. I didn't know if it was me or you.I even had to ask my sister to se if she new .well God bless you all and who ever you know that wants to answer me tell them I'm julieV angels776 or JuliaV there's no one with that one that I know of lol:lol :lol :lol :manyheart

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Julia ( Angels )

If you want us to just call you Julia, that's fine, just put that as your signature and we'll all get used to calling you that .

:hi Hi Juliekay it's Juliavc(angels776) hey I finished the #44 square thank God I've ben working on it today now I'm on my #46 almost done,as you know want to finish this one to start the next one and then I will be doing the 35 but I can't find the book my sister said she will send it to me so I'll be waiting for it and as soon as she sends it to me I think I'll start both,now i've got to look for the colors.I know 1 is in the light and dark blue's that's mine:lol ,thother one is probebly pinks(mauve tipe)and green's)or lilac for my god mother (birth godmother):manyheart :manyheart :manyheart Hey you know by the way I'm 45 years old.no kids(because of my heart trouble since born)married with a wounderful guy he's 34 but we have ben married for 14 1/2 years aint that wounderful.:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart
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Hi Julia

It sounds like you are on a roll and doing well with your squares, and already planning more afghans ! Great for you . You are close to my age. I am 47 . I'm glad your husband is such a good guy ! That is great to hear .

Keep up the good work on your afghan. Do you have a way to take a photo to post when you are done ?

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Just finished Sq #9. I edged it in the wrong side! Obviously I noticed after it was done (that's what I get for not paying attention! :angry). I added pictures for Sq #8 & #9 in my album (see signature for album link). Sometimes I wonder if it really squares that I'm making... some of them are really wonky. Hopefully, they will look like real squares after I put them together.


I haven't had much time to crochet. I've being working a lot in the lab, the classes are about to be over (that means, lots of work to do) and this semester I've being TAing too. That's graduate school! I bet Celeste knows! I wish I could dedicate more time to my squares. Sometimes I think I'm going too slow. Julie will be done with her pair of afghans before I even finish this one! :lol Goooooo Julie!


Take care,


~Eliany :hook

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Hi Eliany !


Good to hear from you .:manyheart

Don't feel bad, I edged mine a couple of times on the wrong side. It didn't take me long to learn my lesson when I had to pull it all out and redo it on the right side !

Hope you get a break here soon for the holiday and maybe you can get some crochet time in then . I am making VERY slow progress on my 2nd 2 afghans . I am also trying to get one whipped up quick for someone, and I'm not very good at juggling more than one project at a time. I have a one track mind , and if it goes off in too many directions ,I can't seem to get anything accomplished !

You are doing great.. keep up the good work !

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