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63 Wannabe Club


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1- How far along are you on the 63 afghan ? Number 11 still

2-Would you consider joining another crochetalong after this one ? YOU BET!

3- Do you have any suggestions as to how to make the next one better ? Depending on the CAL chosen, maybe a graphic that states how far along we are in the CAL or some type of grachic insentive to display ( I would be willing to help make graphics as well) for example:


4-Are there any particular patterns you'd like to do for an upcoming crochetalong ? I am willing to learn stockings or even another afghan :0)

5-Would you like the group to be more crochet -centered ? In other words, are the off -topic conversations bothersome to you ? Would you rather keep it strictly crochet talk ? I like to know what is going on with the group members, helps me to feel like part of the group to know we have more in common than just crocheting.

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Hi Lorraine -

Nope, don't wait on the next crochetalong ! I have a deal , just for you ! ( and any other newbies out there who are early in the game ).

I will start another 63 afghan , so I can crochetalong with you guys . How's that ? That way, you won't feel left out or too far behind .

So anyone out there who has been wanting to start , but feels they are too late , jump in now !

I'll work along with you guys ,ok ?

NOW, you are ahead of me, Lorraine ! I don't even have one square made !

Yippie Skippie! :yay


Okay, I'm in and I'm ready to go! :D


You're the best JulieKay! ;)

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Okey dokey- Smokies !

Now I have to get my rear in gear ! I promised to start a new 35 grannies today and also a new 63 .So you guys all have the jump on me !

I 'd better get something besides TURKEY cooking in the next day or two !

Looking forward to joining you all on the new afghans !

(And you're all beating me now ! ):D

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Okey dokey- Smokies !

Now I have to get my rear in gear ! I promised to start a new 35 grannies today and also a new 63 .So you guys all have the jump on me !

I 'd better get something besides TURKEY cooking in the next day or two !

Looking forward to joining you all on the new afghans !

(And you're all beating me now ! ):D

Are we going to start a whole new thread or continue with this one? Even though it's fitting that this post is on the 63rd page of the 63 squares topic! :hook

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Vickie -

That'd be great if you want to work on the graphics-- I think Sue mentioned making buttons for these too . I'm sorry to sound like a Dingbat, but I know NOTHING about doing the graphics, so I'd be very grateful if you and Sue could work together to come up with graphics . Maybe Sue could make the buttons and you could do the individual ones for each of us, telling what number of square we have done. Would that be too much work ? I have no idea how to do them so I'm sorry I won't be any help .

I'm sure Sue will probably check in sometime today, then you and her can get together and come up with a plan .

Sound ok ?

Won't we all look very professional that way ?

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Vickie -

That'd be great if you want to work on the graphics-- I think Sue mentioned making buttons for these too . I'm sorry to sound like a Dingbat, but I know NOTHING about doing the graphics, so I'd be very grateful if you and Sue could work together to come up with graphics . Maybe Sue could make the buttons and you could do the individual ones for each of us, telling what number of square we have done. Would that be too much work ? I have no idea how to do them so I'm sorry I won't be any help .

I'm sure Sue will probably check in sometime today, then you and her can get together and come up with a plan .

Sound ok ?

Won't we all look very professional that way ?


Julie, Vickie does beautiful things with pixels! Check out her blog! She has me beat, hands down. No toes would be trod upon if Vickie wants to make a general blog button and progress buttons. That would be incredibly cute! :)


Go for it, Vickie! :tup

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Go, Jimmie Lu, go! :) I've got 2 more rows to go too! I really want to be cozying up under this 'ghan tomorrow morning for the TG Day parade! :c9

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Okey dokey- Smokies !

Now I have to get my rear in gear ! I promised to start a new 35 grannies today and also a new 63 .So you guys all have the jump on me !

I 'd better get something besides TURKEY cooking in the next day or two !

Looking forward to joining you all on the new afghans !

(And you're all beating me now ! ):D


Which ones are you starting on, Julie KAy? Do you have a link to them?

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This is exciting !! Sue and Jimmie are in a race to the finish line ! You are both tied for firstplace !!!!

I hope you both have them done by tomorrow ~~

What????? Oh no no no I have to stich my sq remember. I am thinking at least a week!!!! Wow tomorrow that would be nice but sweetie that turkey aint gonna roast itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol

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Julie, Vickie does beautiful things with pixels! Check out her blog! She has me beat, hands down. No toes would be trod upon if Vickie wants to make a general blog button and progress buttons. That would be incredibly cute! :)


Go for it, Vickie! :tup



Oh Sue, thank you and we could both work on graphics! We could brain storm and have a great time sharing with others while they progress on their afghan! Contact me with any ideas youhave and we will work it out together!


{{Squishy HUgs}}

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Hi Vickie

I meant on my post that I am making both afghans over again for the second time . I think a lot of the newer ladies felt a little left out just now getting started, since lots of you guys are pretty far along on the project and some of us have already finished. so I am making a new 35 grannies afghan and also a new 63 . I started them both today. I have one square done for each one at this point.

I am in at the ground level, working my way up again !


I think Sue said in her post that she would let you work on the graphics if you didn't mind-- she said you are really great at them . It'd be neat if you could make us each one that told the number of squares we have done, although that'd keep you mighty busy changing the numbers on everyone's constantly !


Whatever you get worked out will be fine with me !

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Oh boy, Vickie !

Can't wait to see your graphics you come up with !


Yep, I won't start out on another crochetalong without all you guys ... I'm just stepping in for round 2 so I can hang out with you all and work on the same thing you all are doing .

We'll have plenty of time to get another one going ... i'm hoping by January ?!?!

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Oh Sue, thank you and we could both work on graphics! We could brain storm and have a great time sharing with others while they progress on their afghan! Contact me with any ideas youhave and we will work it out together!


{{Squishy HUgs}}


Sounds great, Vickie! We could come up with a blog button and progress graphics. I've got a lot to learn when it comes to buttons in general. I'm keen to know how you do your graphics.


So, it's a deal. The next CAL we can make some spiffy buttons.:mdust


Progress: I've been out running errands and doing this-n-that and haven't sat down with my squares yet today but I'm a-gonna do it now! :)

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It's Thanksgiving Day

Time for family and friends :pilgrim


Time for a big turkey dinner,

To be thankful and say Amen . :heart


Turkey,Stuffing and pumpkin pie

What a lot of food, my oh my ! :coffee


Remember to be thankful today

For things we take for granted every other day .:remember


And remember when the last guest

Says goodbye and shuts the door :whew


We have one MORE thing

To be thankful for :D


Be thankful for your yarn,hook and chair ,

NOW we can make more SQUARES !!! :hook


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you . Hope you all have a wonderful day .:manyheart

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Great poem, Julie! You always make everything so much fun!



Wishing you and everyone at the Wannabe club a Happy Thanksgiving Day! :ttalk

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It's Thanksgiving Day

Time for family and friends :pilgrim


Time for a big turkey dinner,

To be thankful and say Amen . :heart


Turkey,Stuffing and pumpkin pie

What a lot of food, my oh my ! :coffee


Remember to be thankful today

For things we take for granted every other day .:remember


And remember when the last guest

Says goodbye and shuts the door :whew


We have one MORE thing

To be thankful for :D


Be thankful for your yarn,hook and chair ,

NOW we can make more SQUARES !!! :hook


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you . Hope you all have a wonderful day .:manyheart


I LOVE this poem!! May I post it on my blog, crediting YOU or course?!

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Hi Vickie !

Sure ,you can post it wherever you want ! No big deal to me !

I just made up a little something for today. I figured the boards would be kinda empty , but wanted to post a little something .

See you all tomorrow, or whenever things get back to normal in your houses !

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