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More about how crafting improves lives

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I found this article from :facebook and I admit it offers more than I expected. It is so true in so many areas.


I do believe that many children we see in flash mobs would be doing better things with their time if they learned the skills that have moved women forward for centuries. Women were never happy with just making a pillowcase; they chose to make beautiful pillowcases.

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I disagree with you a little.

I do think people should learn skills/crafts.

I don't think they should be doing it instead of flashmobs. I haven't seen that many children in them. I've seen mostly adults. Maybe I've just seen the wrong ones. Either way flashmobs are fun and make people happy.

I think it takes a certain skill to dance like that and pick it up in the short time they practice. I know I couldn't do it.

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I disagree with you a little.

I do think people should learn skills/crafts.

I don't think they should be doing it instead of flashmobs. I haven't seen that many children in them. I've seen mostly adults. Maybe I've just seen the wrong ones. Either way flashmobs are fun and make people happy.

I think it takes a certain skill to dance like that and pick it up in the short time they practice. I know I couldn't do it.


The flashmobs I am talking about are the gangs of (mostly (teen) thieves who crash Walmart or some other store. Those are the ones that make the news.

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Perhaps its different for those of us who live in small towns or semi-rural

areas. I was taught young as are all my relatives that we must be productive. If we needed something such as a sweater,fall coat,slippers or

whatever that we needed to learn the skills by which these items were

made. My family worked outside the home, but evenings were spent

sewing,quilting, knitting, crocheting,branding rugs and so forth. The

men learned furniture making, craving, and other things. I don't believe

in purchasing something of inferior quality. Anyone can spend time and

personal energy and craft a sweater or coat or whatever that will last

for years. I replace things when they wear out. I make things in classic

styles that never go out of season.

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I enjoyed this article. Thanks for the link. One of the things I would like to see come from this bad economy is a more reliance on what we can do for ourselves. I was born years after the depression but I grew up around a lot of people (including members of my immediate family) that lived during the depression. I remember a shop on the main street through my neighborhood where you could get your small appliances repaired. Small appliances such as toasters, coffee pots, mixers, fans, etc. Nowdays when one of these small appliances quits working, we just throw it out and buy a new one. We even do that with the large appliances such as our stoves, refrigerators, microwaves, washers and dryers, etc. In this age of "reduce, reuse, and recycle" I don't quite understand this "if it breaks, throw it away" attitude even though I have done it myself. Other things such as eating out was a once in while treat. Most of the time you ate home cooked meals where most of the food was prepared from scratch. Okay, I am not talking about such things as bread, butter, etc. The vegetables may have come from a can or were frozen but the meat you cooked yourself. True there were frozen dinners which were used but only when there was a need for the convenience. People changed their own tires, oil and other fluids, filters, belts, and spark plugs on their cars. Some could even make minor repairs to their cars. Nowdays we just go to the car dealer or a repair shop to have these things done.


Yes, I hope as a result of this bad economy we become more self reliant again. At least have the choice of doing it ourself or deciding it may be better for us this time to have someone else do it.

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