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Differences in RHSS skeins


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I hadn't used RHSS for a while but then recently bought a bunch of it for a project I didn't want to invest too much $ in, and I was amazed at how much variation there were between skeins/colors. Some colors were actually quite soft (bright yellow), others were considerably thicker (burgandy), others were quite rough (paddy green).


I was wondering if anyone knows if RH is trying to change the line to make it softer or if they are moving toward more roughness (lower quality but cheaper), or if the variations is just what they are doing and what what can expect in the future.

Thanks for any info

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I noticed that many colors have gotten softer... I just do the "touch test" when I am looking through RH skeins, if it's too rough then I won't use it (depending on what I'm making)

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I have noticed that some of their variegated skeins tend to be a bit more rough.


I am wondering if it is the dyes that are used, maybe some tend to be more rough, even with the solid colors.


LI Roe

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