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A store with just yarn?!?


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The first thing you have to know about me: I am cheap. Not frugal, or thrifty, or financially conservative. Cheap. I grocery shop at three different stores to hit all the ads. I continually pass myself off as a "first time customer" to get the bargains. I will go stand in line at 3am for the Christmas sales. Cheap.


My despair was great. I wanted to make a felted handbag for a friend's Christmas gift. I needed wool yarn. Wool yarn is not cheap. I searched the Internet, but something in my soul would not allow me to pay shipping fees. Surely there is a store, somewhere in this city, that sells wool yarn. Thus I began my quest.


I started at Hobby Lobby. There I found wool! But the colors were dreadful. Dark blue, brown, a natural that could be dyed. I desired pink yarn. Bright pink, wool yarn. There I found many other yarns that would be suitable for other projects, but alas. I am cheap. I departed the Hobby Lobby empty handed.


I then went to JoAnns. Still, I find not what I seek. Two Micheals. Again nothing. Alas.


Then I discovered it. It is the beginning and the end. It will be my undoing. A store that sells only yarn.


I walked in and was amazed. They did not have the brands with which I was familiar. No trusty Red Heart for everyday projects, or Lion Brand for special gifts. It was luxury yarn. Here I found yarns of wools and silks and mohairs and nameless blends! It was glorious!


My heart aches. For I am cheap, and the nectar that is this yarn is not. I can never go back to my innocence. I yearn for the days of yesteryear when I knew not of yarn of fine alpaca silk, and I desired not for pink wool yarn.


The friend had better love her handbag, for it has cost me more than she will ever know.

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Aw, poor you!


And the natural colored yarn does dye remarkably well. I just made one. It's on one of the recent posts on my blog and also in the show and tell section here.

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I think it really is the opposite way here, at least in my town. And I can't say I'm upset about it :D


It's *always* more expensive to go to a craft store or to Spotlight (it has fabric and pretty much every crafty thing as well as yarn) than to a cute little yarn store. I mean, of course gorgeous yarn is going to cost a bit, but the specials my lys's have are sometimes very good.


I only make small items so I love to get bargains with odd balls, it seems as if the crafty places don't realise that dye lot is important and the ball would have to have been on fire to be reduced :P


Also, my closest one has a beautiful brand that is only available from 2 stores in the whole world (it's local). I guess that's the benefit from coming from a country that has more sheep than people :2sheep :2sheep :2sheep

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I have the same problem! The Fiesta Yarn outlet is here. I have to stay away from that place completely. I've only been once but I dropped $75 on 3 hanks of yarn. Granted they were large hanks but still an outrageous splurge. We also have a store that carries only high end yarn. I always promise myself I'm going to head straight for the Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece and look at nothing else but no matter how hard I try, I can't avoid spending hours looking around, all the time fighting myself not to empty my checking account. Fortunately Santa Fe is an hour away so I've been able to keep myself out of the shops up there! To think a few years ago I used only RH and LB Homespun was a splurge. I'm ruined :( !




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