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Woven N Spun

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Hey there. Bought some washed and dyed locks from Frene Creek Farm on Saturday.



Received today.

Ran some through my drum carder and came out with this roving



And here's what the above looks like on the wheel.



So far am LOVING it. The kiddos want to card up some tonight, and I shall let them while I spin.


Am planning on knitting a Fiber Trends Hat pattern from this. The pattern AC-56 winter in the city to be exact. Have made two in the past and have another home spun on my needles right now. Here's a shot of the homespun on the needles now.


Looks AWESOME in the sun light...using a black eyelash yarn with it. Hope to be done by tomorrow so I can full it before going camping. :eek

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Deb, it's just plain Cotsworth. Long curly locks. No mohair.


I know I had said no more fiber til after the move...but it screamed my name and I couldn't turn it away.....now that I have bought that I keep looking and looking and can't stop gggg.


I guess it's a good thing my pay pal limit is nearly exhausted :eek



Kim that is luscious yarn, it looks like mohair? So shiney. Very nice.


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