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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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LeaAnne- you have a good night too. I heard that about the Tami-flu being sold out- especially for kids. But they seem to have some of the capsules around. It is scary for the kids. I worry that my DK's will get it---2 of my DD's take mass transit everywhere and the other one works in the ER. But worrying about it won't prevent it from happening so I try not to worry. My DD's always tease me about worrying about everything. I'm really making a conscious effort not to- it doesn't change anything. That is where crocheting has helped me I think- it really de-stresses me!!!

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Tamiflu is a medicine that is given to help cut the duration of the flu once you have it. It is not a medicine to cure it, but sometimes there are reactions to the Tamiflu. My friend's grandson was having seizures on it and they had to take him to the emergency room. He wa taken off the tamiflu and was much better after that!

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Mary- I'm thinking about a ghan- but he told me if I do, he wants a really big one. Not sure if I have time for that--but am seriously considering RoseRed's Flannelghan. I just have some yarn I need to destash, b/4 I can justify spending $ on more (and I don't have enough of 2 colors to start the flannelghan)

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Hi Mary and LeaAnne! DD made out great! The doctor lifted the PE/tae kwon do ban and she was doing a dance in the office! she went to the tae kwon do dodge ball party and she will get to go to belt testing tomorrow! She was very happy! Thanks for asking about her! Right now we are sitting having a movie night. We are watching Van Helsing.

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LeaAnne- is Petey excited for trick or treating? He's at a great age for it. I hope that I am home from work (don't know how long we have to be there) to see some of the younger ones in costumes! Wonder what time trick-or treaters will start tomorrow since there is no school?

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yep... it's just around the corner, so it's quick if they are actually ready to go! LOL


Joanne - you could do 1 main color and mix it up with less of others... go through the gallery on post 1 of that CAL and you'll get some great ideas:)


Vicki - great news about DD!!!! ooooh...Van Helsing. That's a good movie:yes

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Hubby went for his MRI on Friday. He is going for his follow up on Monday. We will see what his doctor says then. He is feeling better, but he was complaining today of a stiff neck. No headaches or dizziness lately. That has to be a good sign. Now if only the insurance adjuster would go look at the car we would be all set!

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