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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Hi girls. I don't know if I'll be able to make chat tonight.:( DH isn't home yet, and he's bringing dinner. Then I have to get DD to bed and take a shower. Besides all that, I'm mad at my MIL right now. I'll try to make it, but I don't think I can. Have a good chat and I'll talk to you later.

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:( Shannon... :hug:hug I hope you are ok... that post didn't sound like you at all!


Stacy - I was soooo happy to read that you talked to Isabella's teacher, and that it went so well! It sounds like God sent her the best teacher this year, to help her deal with what's going on. :manyheart I love that she will move the seats to take some stress off, and that she took note of what a good girl she has in her class! Now that you have spoken, you will have a nice line of communication there... it will be much easier to gauge how things are going on an overall basis!:clap:clap Give Isabella a big hug! and :yay that Mia made it to the parade!!!! she must have been in her glory today:D


Vicki - Good Grief!!! 8" of rain?! That's crazy! ...at least it wasn't snow, though, right?


I'll be here for chat, but will be a little late, it's my turn to pick up the girls at the "drop off" at 9:45. I'll get here as soon as I can!

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Hi everyone!

Had a great Delta Force Day today. And I forgot my camera . But a couple of others took pix so I'm hoping they can email me some! It was a lot of fun. Since what we are working on is a system conversion,one team was the old system and the other team the new system. And yes I did wear a Giants shirt, although we taped over the names on the back of the jersey's with the name of our team. WE were thinking today, we should have done baseball since it's World Series time, but we were having cheerleaders too and baseball doesn't have cheerleaders. So it was best we went with football!


Stacy I am so happy that you spoke with Isabella's teacher today. I agree with LeaAnne, seems like she is the perfect teacher for her! It is wonderful to have opened the line of communication! And Yay, that Mia got to go to her parade. And double YAY for you getting all that cleaning done today. It's amazing how productive one gets when company is coming, isn't it? Have a great visit with your Dad tomorrow!


Vicki- It was a great game (although i did fall asleep in the 8th) I woke up at 3AM and had to run to the computer to check the score!. Looking forward to the game tomorrow night and then Sunday is Giants/Eagles at 1 and Yankees/Phillies @8. It seems to be a weekend of my teams vs their rivals!! And that is sure a lot of rain....hope all is afloat!! And all summer you were begging for some rain!


Shannon- I was so happy to see your post that the tornadoes didn't affect you. At least not directly. You must have been so worried about sister driving with tornado warnings. Thank goodness she was ok! Hope all is well with you. LeaAnne is right- that post didn't sound like you at all!!!. Sorry MIL has made you mad. I hope you are back to your old self really soon...like tonight!


Scooby- Thanks for stopping by to keep us up to date on the craziness in your life right now. It will all work out and YES it is stressful to move. My house is for sale now and DH are planning to move to an adult community. I'm not looking forward to the packing. I look around and get tired just thinking about it! But, i'll cross that bridge when we sell the house. We've had some lookers, but no takers yet! This darn economy....Hang in there, and it will be awesome if you can join us for chat next Friday night.


Mary and Colleen- Hope my Canadian friends had a splendid Friday!


Beth- How was your Friday today? What did you have for dinner tonight? Do they all take turns cooking- do they have a day to cook or do they alternate weekly? you have really trained your inventions to be very independent which will serve them well when they leave the nest.


I'll be here for a short while and then I'll be heading to bed. I have to be at work at 8 tomorrow for a very busy day!

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DD went over there today, and MIL never changed her Pull-ups. Even her socks were wet. I felt so bad for her. She didn't change her the last time DD went over there either. And I'm really bad at confrontation. I'm hoping DH will say something to her.

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I told DD that she needs to tell Grandma when she needs to be changed. But she doesn't even tell me. She's not at that point yet. I don't know what to do. At least DH is on my side.

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LeaAnne- She was there for about 6 hours.


Joanne- We don't get tornadoes too often, but more than I'd like of course!

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LeaAnne- That is really nice that you are going to make a flannelghan as a donation to raise $ for the PE teacher who lost her husband. No Life Insurance?? I'd have to kill DH if he did that to me...but then again...he would already be dead:rofl

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No, she's not senile. heehee Too bad she can't use that as an excuse. Last time I thought it was a misunderstanding, even though I told her twice that DD needed to be changed.

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