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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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When is DH on vacation , LeaAnne?


My DH is interviewing or another job on Monday- kind of fell into his lap (or should I say computer?) He randomly goes on to see what's out there and one of the hospitals here in NJ has an opening for the same position he has now. He posted the resume at 10PM and at 3 the next day they called and left a message. He called back Thursday and has an interview Monday morning. His credentials are perfect for the job- and they have much better benefits- so if salary is there, no more commuting to Staten Island. He'll still have about a 20 mile commute, but only 1 toll!!! (The EzPass costs us $110.00/month with him traveling to SI)

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Nanny is a new woman! There'll be no keeping her down now!:lol:lol


Uncle Art is hanging in there... I need to call him and check in this weekend. He made it through round 2 of chemo...now I don't know what's next for him.


Thank you for asking!:hug:)

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Shannon - that is too weird, isn't it?!


Joanne - I will be praying for DH on Monday!!! Sounds like it's meant to be to me:wink


DH is on vacation starting the 17th, which is Thursday (already?!)

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Janna wants the Mickey Mouse choo choo train (can't find it:(), Hungry Hungry Hippos, and Kai-Lan toys. She's starting to like Strawberry Shortcake too, but their pieces are too small. I, I mean Santa, is also bringing her an easel. Her OT suggested that. And some other stuff.

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well, that is partly why I have waited... they were not jumping into any decisions in time for Black Friday...


Jamie wants a camera, BearPaw slippers, a NorthFace jacket and a smart phone (I think she wants the Droid)

Lindsey wants BearPaw slippers and a laptop

Krissy still doesn't know...

and Pete has a list saved on the computer!:lol


I think we should be able to get it all done in 1 day... not a lot of items, just a lot of cash:eek

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:wavingEveryone!!!! Not a lot going on here today. I did get the tree up yesterday but still have to get the decorations up here and decorate it. DF has been :sick for two days with a cold and I am trying to avoid him so that I don't get sick too. Today I managed to get the downstairs vacuumed/dusted, the foyer is mopped, the kitchen cleaned, dishwasher unloaded/reloaded, AP bathroom cleaned and general pick up. I also managed to get the nerve up :sweat:worried:blink:scared and go down into the snake cave and did 3 loads of :wash. I am about ready to go :crocheting and watch the new movie on Hallmark channel at 7 CST. I guess before that I better go and see what I can do for supper :lol. I hope everyone is having a great night and staying warm. Lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all.

Here is the preemie blanket that I made for the December Charity CAL. I am hoping to get the scarf done tonight for another Viller who is donating to the Veterans.


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You guys are stressing me out!!:lol Speaking of which, I better go. DD has been at Grandma's all day and I haven't gotten anything done. Except two blocks on my last strip, of course. This has been great girls! Just what I needed! Thank you!:manyheart

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Janna wants the Mickey Mouse choo choo train (can't find it:(), Hungry Hungry Hippos, and Kai-Lan toys. She's starting to like Strawberry Shortcake too, but their pieces are too small. I, I mean Santa, is also bringing her an easel. Her OT suggested that. And some other stuff.

wow, the memories- Hungry Hungry Hippos was one of my youngest DD's favorite games. And they all had Strawberry Shortcake dolls and Blueberry Muffin and Huckleberry Pie and Apple Dumplin. I think there was a Lemon Meringue doll too!

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wow, the memories- Hungry Hungry Hippos was one of my youngest DD's favorite games. And they all had Strawberry Shortcake dolls and Blueberry Muffin and Huckleberry Pie and Apple Dumplin. I think there was a Lemon Meringue doll too!



:yes and all the dolls smelled so yummy! do they still:think

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Scooby- love the ghan and stay healthy- no smooching with DF!!:lol Sorry I can't stay but I need to get the old :crocheting going again!!!!


Shannon-it was soooo good to chat with you!!! have fun at the wedding!


Well, speaking of Christmas- i had better get out the old:hook and:yarn and get back to this hat I started.


LeaAnne - I missed you and was so glad we had this impromptu chat- it was so good to chat with you!! Yes, not much on their lists but what is there is mucho dineros!!!!


Have a wonderful night!!!!!:manyheart:hug

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so, while i am here, I DID catch up on all the posts, and wanted to get to say :hi to everyone personally... so here goes:


Colleen - I wish I was at your house with all those yummy cookies! I hope you got to enjoy your :ctree parties, and that your outfit survived the marathon! also, I had to :heehee about you walking to and from school in the snow. When I was a kid, the saying was "when I was your age, I walked 3 miles each way, up-hill, in 3 feet of snow..." It actually is a fun memory of mine:manyheart


Stacy - How are you feeling? :clap:yay:dance for Isabella's great report at school! Did you and Jorge have fun shopping today? How is Klaus? Please give Isabella, Mia and Eva bigs hugs for me? Then tell them they have to give YOU one! :hug How are you holding up without a car? I still don't have one, either:( DH says after Jan. 1st he'll get me something. It's really hard. It's been a whole year for me... I hope you are managing ok.


Mary - :clap for your voice coming back... Boo for computer troubles! I hope that you and DH are continuing to feel better. Are any of your chickens coming home for Christmas? :hug Are you back to :crocheting like "gangbusters" yet?


Beth - :faint:yay:clap for your awesome-ness early :ctree:gift! I would so be itchin' to play!:hyper.... It sounds like you got some great deals! How many more Nutcracker performances do you have left? My 1st and 3rd DD's and are all going to our very first Boston Ballet's the Nutcracker on the 23rd!!!! We could not be more excited! DH will take us dress shopping tomorrow or Monday.


Scooby - I love your craft room!!! It is so beautiful!!! What a great place to be snowed into! I was glad to read that you are finally getting to cash in on some MUCH deserved :crocheting time! :hug Stay warm, ok?


Vicki - How are the tummy meds working? Did DH get any word on the job yet? I feel so sorry that you've been so stressed out and not feeling well:( When does your winter break start at school? I hope things calm down for you soon!:hug


Tena - :eek you sure had a scare with your blood pressure!!!:hug:whew that you got to the doctor and got it taken care of right away! ...and don't worry about your house... nobody'll be coming to see IT... they'll be coming to see YOU! Enjoy the season with your darlings:manyheart Extra :hug:hugcoming your way!


Judy - How are you? I hope you are getting more done, and that you are enjoying our group!:hug WTG on all of the good advice to Stacy about poor Klaus...


:hi to Jenn, Frogger and Vickietoria! How are you girls?! I hope that you are well!!! I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you, too!



well, my besties, I guess I should go along and work on that last strip of my flannelghan... I don't want to fall behind Joanne and Shannon!!!!


:hugto you all!

Have a splendiferous Saturday nite!!!!

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Sorry I missed the impromptu chat! It sounds like it was fun! Dinner is done (pork chops and green beans!)and the dishwasher is going along now. The dogs are outside and the hockey game is on! The Rangers are tied at the end of the first period.

We went and DD spent her Christmas and birthday money. She decided she needs another remote for her Wii, so now I need to get her another one of those. That can wait. Not something I need to run out and get right now.

It was so cloudy and foggy here today! It was a misty day. I hate that. Either rain or don't rain. It drives me nuts when it justs mists all day.

LeaAnne - Glad to see you back! We missed you around here. I hope Amanda feels better soon now that she had her boobies smooshed. Good for her! No news on the job front yet. We are just in a holding pattern at the moment.

Shannon - Have fun at the wedding tomorrow! And YAY for Janna and her big girl panties! Way to go Janna!

Joanne - Good luck to hubby at his interview on Monday! That would be nice if he could cut his commute like that and keep his salary. How much of a commute would it be when you sell the house and move?

Scooby - Good for you going in the cave and getting the laundry done! MIne gets done tomorrow! You are ahead of me!

Colleen - I remember Hungry Hungry Hippo! I used to love to play that game with DD. That one was fun! I hope you can find everything on DD's list!

Frogger, Jenn, Tena, Victoria, Stacy, Beth, Mary, and Judy (I hope I didn't miss anyone!), I hope you all had a great day! Have a great rest of the night and I will talk to you all on the flip side!


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